direct x updates in codec pack updates?

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direct x updates in codec pack updates? Empty direct x updates in codec pack updates?

Post by Trunten Tue May 07, 2019 6:20 am

For the first time I'm noticing the codec pack includes checking for Direct X updates...

I don't remember this being a part of it before.

So I let it go ahead and do what it had to do in case it was necessary.

Was that okay? I know in the Direct X setup it says "updating as necessary" like it always has for many years.

But I'm curious when and why this was included as part of the codec pack, especially for Windows 10 where I'd like to think 10 probably has everything by now.

You'd understand I want to make sure I'm not adding stuff and things that are not necessary... makes me wonder if it did update any Direct X content and if it was necessary.

Thank you for any help you can give me so I understand these changes.


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direct x updates in codec pack updates? Empty Re: direct x updates in codec pack updates?

Post by Admin Tue May 07, 2019 12:28 pm

It is not really an "update" as in a new version of DirectX. What it does is add files that aren't included in a default Windows installation.

The files that are essential for playback have always also been included in the codec pack and don't require running the DirectX installer. So it also works on systems without Internet.

The DirectX installer was recently added to install some extra DirectX components that are only required for some specific use cases. It is also useful to fix damaged/wrong files. Some people manually install missing files and often they use wrong ones, or put them in wrong system folder.


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