h265 videos do not play on all computers

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h265 videos do not play on all computers Empty h265 videos do not play on all computers

Post by jsteinkamp Wed May 01, 2019 2:47 am

I have an Intel Nuc 815BEK mini pc I just purchased, windows 10. I am having trouble playing h265 videos with a unity player. Everything, software, OS, etc is up to date. My older Nuc 7i5BEK can play the same files. My Falcon computer was able to play my unity player files after I installed Microsoft HEVC videos extensions. This did not help on the new Nuc.

older computer Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB
new computer Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2018

When I search for HEVC on the older computer it has a lot more files.

H265 .mpg movies play on all computers, with all players.


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h265 videos do not play on all computers Empty Re: h265 videos do not play on all computers

Post by Admin Wed May 01, 2019 1:22 pm

The Microsoft HEVC video extension is a Media Foundation type codec. Your LTSC install might currently not have the Media Foundation framework installed. In that case for example Windows Media Player is also missing.

You can install Media Foundation using the Media Feature Pack (1809 version):


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h265 videos do not play on all computers Empty Re: h265 videos do not play on all computers

Post by jsteinkamp Wed May 01, 2019 2:49 pm

HI I was so hopeful!
I tried every download on this site. They did not work.
Error message
Windows Update Standalone Installer
The Update is not applicable to your computer
Perhaps there is a registry that needs changing.
It is either an Intel issue or an OS Windows 10 Embedded issue (I think).


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h265 videos do not play on all computers Empty Re: h265 videos do not play on all computers

Post by Admin Wed May 01, 2019 3:20 pm

Then you probably haven't got an "N" version of LTSC.

In the Windows settings go to "Turn Windows features on or off". There are some media related things that you can enable.


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h265 videos do not play on all computers Empty Re: h265 videos do not play on all computers

Post by jsteinkamp Wed May 01, 2019 4:20 pm

I tried turning off Media Features and tried installing the standalone, still no luck
I tried legacy components, nothing


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h265 videos do not play on all computers Empty Re: h265 videos do not play on all computers

Post by Admin Thu May 02, 2019 1:06 pm

I can't help you. LTSC simply has reduced functionality compared to standard versions of Windows 10.


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h265 videos do not play on all computers Empty Re: h265 videos do not play on all computers

Post by jsteinkamp Thu May 02, 2019 2:36 pm

Hi You did help! I returned the computers to get the 2019 OS installed. I am hoping this has the codecs. Signage companies and artists who use Windows as players require codecs running on a slimmed down OS.


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