Frame width and frame height not showing in properties of some mkvs

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Frame width and frame height not showing in properties of some mkvs Empty Frame width and frame height not showing in properties of some mkvs

Post by bobsage Tue Apr 23, 2019 2:39 am

Could someone point me in the right direction to resolve this issue? I have to use the mediainfo tool to see the frame and height of some videos since it's not in the properties. Is there a way with the tweak tool to DL a codec to see this info?


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Frame width and frame height not showing in properties of some mkvs Empty Re: Frame width and frame height not showing in properties of some mkvs

Post by Admin Tue Apr 23, 2019 11:42 am

This would need to be fixed in the Icaros propertyhandler that is used to extract the information. Can you give me a link to one of those files? A torrent is fine.


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