Bad color (on video codec HEVC) with the latest version 14.9.0.

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Bad color (on video codec HEVC) with the latest version 14.9.0. Empty Bad color (on video codec HEVC) with the latest version 14.9.0.

Post by TheDarkgg Tue Apr 16, 2019 9:41 pm


With the latest update of K-Lite Codec Pack (14.9.0) I noticed while reading a video file encoded in HEVC (x265) that the color was too much in the white / luminous tone (there is a white veil ).

I made a small comparison with the VLC player which makes me a much darker color without the famous white veil (VLC had the same problem on all videos when the dynamic color range was set to 16 - 235 instead of 0 - 255 in the Nvidia driver).

With MPC-HC I noticed that I only have the problem with HEVC. Other video codecs including AVC have no problem and MPC-HC and VLC have exactly the same colors.


What is the color that seems most natural to you ?
I think on the stage of VLC orange juice to colors much more faithful.
Is the problem with a decoder that would be specific to the HEVC used by MPC-HC ?

A very big thanks and good evening. Wink


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Bad color (on video codec HEVC) with the latest version 14.9.0. Empty Re: Bad color (on video codec HEVC) with the latest version 14.9.0.

Post by Admin Tue Apr 16, 2019 11:37 pm

It is not a decoding issue. These kind of color issues are at the side of the video renderer. I doesn't look like a luminance range issue to my eyes. It might be bt.709 versus bt.601 colorspace. The first is used by HD video (like the origin of this video), while bt.601 is used for low resolution video. If this video is low resolution then the video renderer will assume it is bt.601 unless the video contains information about the correct colorspace.

MediaInfo should be able to show this information ("Color primaries") if the video contains this data.

First thing to try is to select Madvr as the video renderer in MPC-HC. That is most accurate when it comes to colors. Otherwise you could use the "bt.709 to bt.601" shader to correct the colors (menu > play > shaders).

Do you have a link to this video? (torrent is fine)


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Bad color (on video codec HEVC) with the latest version 14.9.0. Empty Re: Bad color (on video codec HEVC) with the latest version 14.9.0.

Post by Admin Tue Apr 16, 2019 11:39 pm

To be honest the MPC-HC screenshots actually look more natural to my eyes.


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Bad color (on video codec HEVC) with the latest version 14.9.0. Empty Re: Bad color (on video codec HEVC) with the latest version 14.9.0.

Post by TheDarkgg Wed Apr 17, 2019 9:56 am

Thx for your reply ! Wink

Configuration encode video (HEVC):

Link of torrent:

The scenes are not very telling but it's true that VLC makes the scenes too dark for me.
But MPC-HC has a disturbing white veil (I think ^^).

Maybe if I compare the same TV series MPC-HC (AVC) and MPC-HC (HEVC) it would be more interesting to see the difference in color.


No difference colors ! Wink


Oh ! Color difference. ^^

In conclusion, it is true that it is VLC that changes the colors.
MPC-HC is good.

And thanks for your configuration tips, I save them in a text file for another time.

P.S: Configuration for video in AVC:

A very big thank you for your advice and a very good day!
And thanks for this wonderful tool K-Lite Codec Pack! Wink


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Bad color (on video codec HEVC) with the latest version 14.9.0. Empty Re: Bad color (on video codec HEVC) with the latest version 14.9.0.

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