GOM player not playing x265

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GOM player not playing x265 Empty GOM player not playing x265

Post by ianism Wed Apr 03, 2019 9:00 pm

so I downloaded the latest K-lite codec pack just now in order to play x265/HEVC (.mkv to be precise, don't know if that matters). They already worked (ie, before I got your codec pack) with VLC, but not with GOM player. I installed it (selecting GOM as the primary video player) but it seems to have had no effect. I don't know if there is anything else I needed to do. Last time I used this pack - probably 2-4 years ago - it seemed to work out of the box with no problems, so that is what I was expecting..

I'm on the current version of windows. So far I have only tried restarting the computer.


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GOM player not playing x265 Empty Re: GOM player not playing x265

Post by Admin Thu Apr 04, 2019 2:08 pm

Selecting GOM as the preferred player does not modify the settings of GOM. It only signals the installer to not create file associations for other players.

GOM uses its own codecs by default. You should be able to specify in its options which ones you want to use. There you should choose LAV Splitter, LAV Video decoder, and LAV Audio decoder.


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GOM player not playing x265 Empty Re: GOM player not playing x265

Post by ianism Thu Apr 04, 2019 9:46 pm

Ok, none of them are in the list of "Supportable Codecs" in the options.

the LAV Splitter is in the list of Disabled Filters. I unchecked the box to stop GOM from disabling it, but don't really know what to do next.

thanks, by the way.


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GOM player not playing x265 Empty Re: GOM player not playing x265

Post by Admin Fri Apr 05, 2019 1:50 pm

On the "Source Filter" tab you need to uncheck .mkv to disable its internal splitter. Or everything, in case you want to always use LAV Splitter.

On the "Codecs" tab you can disable everything if you want to use the LAV decoders.


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GOM player not playing x265 Empty Re: GOM player not playing x265

Post by ianism Sat Apr 06, 2019 9:14 pm

got it, thanks!


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