How do I permanently disable subtitles?

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How do I permanently disable subtitles? Empty How do I permanently disable subtitles?

Post by MisterTheLoaf Sun Mar 31, 2019 3:03 am

I have the latest version of MPC.

I went into Options --> Subtitles -->  Misc  and checked the box "Ignore embedded subtitles", but it has no effect.   I have a bunch of videos in .mkv format with embedded subtitles and every time I play a video I have to manually turn them off.

I also tried the "Override placement" box,  and set it to  minus 40% horizontal and minus 40% vertical, which should put the subtitles off the screen, but it has no effect.



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How do I permanently disable subtitles? Empty Re: How do I permanently disable subtitles?

Post by Admin Sun Mar 31, 2019 1:52 pm

Menu > play > subtitle track > uncheck enable

Or simply press W to toggle subtitles on/off.


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How do I permanently disable subtitles? Empty Re: How do I permanently disable subtitles?

Post by MisterTheLoaf Sun Mar 31, 2019 6:55 pm

Admin wrote:Menu > play > subtitle track > uncheck enable
Yes, I already tried that.  It works.  But it is only temporary.  

How do I permanently disable subtitles? ASJJuC91_o

I select "No Subtitles" but it only turns subtitles off for that one video and only for that one time.  The next next time I play that video, or any other video with subtitles, they are  back on and I have to turn them off again.  

I am asking if there is a configuration setting to turn off subtitles permanently so I don't have to keep turning them off manually every time I play a video.

I found this setting, but it doesn't do anything:

How do I permanently disable subtitles? Xh45MX3C_o

Admin wrote:Or simply press W to toggle subtitles on/off
Tried that.  Does nothing.  I eventually figured out that S turns off subtitles, not W.

But, there's still the same problem.  Pressing S is only temporary.  It only turns off subtitles for that video, and only that one time I'm watching it.  The next time I play that video, or any video with subtitles, they are on again and I have to turn them off manually, every time.

It's not a big deal.  But, it seems like there should be a configuration setting to turn off subtitles permanently, but I can't find anything that works.


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How do I permanently disable subtitles? Empty Re: How do I permanently disable subtitles?

Post by Admin Mon Apr 01, 2019 3:22 pm

You are not using the internal subtitle renderer. Then it shows an actual "Enabled" option in the subtitle menu, which is a permanent setting.
Options > Playback > Output > Subtitle renderer

S toggles through all available tracks, including the virtual "no subtitles" track.


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How do I permanently disable subtitles? Empty Re: How do I permanently disable subtitles?

Post by Admin Mon Apr 01, 2019 3:24 pm

The subtitle settings in MPC-HC only apply to its internal renderer. In case of external subtitle renderers, you can adjust "subtitle selection mode" option in LAV Splitter to disable embedded subtitles.


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How do I permanently disable subtitles? Empty Re: How do I permanently disable subtitles?

Post by MisterTheLoaf Mon Apr 01, 2019 4:23 pm

Admin wrote:The subtitle settings in MPC-HC only apply to its internal renderer. In case of external subtitle renderers, you can adjust "subtitle selection mode" option in LAV Splitter to disable embedded subtitles.

OK. I found the setting Lav Splitter. Everything is fixed now.

Thank you for your help!


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