Unable to save codec presets across all users on the PC

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Unable to save codec presets across all users on the PC Empty Unable to save codec presets across all users on the PC

Post by GeniusAiTester Thu Mar 07, 2019 3:01 pm

Hello. I recently installed K-Lite codec pack to play certain codecs on a PC. When I install it, it works perfectly fine for my user profile. However, when others log in with their user profile, the settings are not applied and the video playback is choppy and unplayable. My question is, are the K-Lite codec presets user profile based or does one admin account affect all users?



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Join date : 2019-03-07

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Unable to save codec presets across all users on the PC Empty Re: Unable to save codec presets across all users on the PC

Post by Admin Thu Mar 07, 2019 3:28 pm

Some settings are automatically propagated to all user accounts, but not all of them can be. For example any custom settings for MPC-HC are applied to admin only.

One solution is to do this on the other accounts:
Codec Tweak Tool > Settings > Reset
This applies all settings chosen during installation (for all components). Needed only once per account. Then settings should be identical to admin. See CTT help for command line parameters for automation.

In your specific case it is most likely the hardware acceleration setting that was causing the problem. So an alternative solution would be to select "DXVA2 native" in the installer for both MPC-HC and other apps.


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