Setting the Position of the Video on the Screen

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Setting the Position of the Video on the Screen Empty Setting the Position of the Video on the Screen

Post by Markus_vosch Thu Feb 21, 2019 7:49 am

Hello everybody
For my Application I need to start up a Video automated over a batch file/cmd command. This work perfectly with the commands defined in the command line of mpc-hc.
The Video i need to play has a fixed resolution, however this resolution is a bit smaller than the resolution of the Monitor I'm using to Display it on. What I'm trying to achieve is that the Video gets played in its original size/resolution but is positioned at the top left corner of the Monitor. I've tried to solve this with help of the command /fixedsize. Somehow this won't work out since it can define the size but not the position of the Video.
My Question is: Is there any way to implement a definition of the position of the video via a command or a specific option in the Settings?


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Join date : 2019-02-21

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Setting the Position of the Video on the Screen Empty Re: Setting the Position of the Video on the Screen

Post by Admin Thu Feb 21, 2019 2:56 pm

The player has an option to remember Window position.

If you need to do it with multiple instances, then you could try modifying the settings value in the Registry before loading a new instance.


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Setting the Position of the Video on the Screen Empty Re: Setting the Position of the Video on the Screen

Post by Markus_vosch Thu Feb 21, 2019 3:25 pm

Thanks for your quick response! Helped alot Smile


Posts : 2
Join date : 2019-02-21

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