Black crush on HDR UHD movies on Samsung 8K Q900 deep colors compatible

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Black crush on HDR UHD movies on Samsung 8K Q900 deep colors compatible Empty Black crush on HDR UHD movies on Samsung 8K Q900 deep colors compatible

Post by Jérôme Sun Dec 09, 2018 6:08 pm


I instal K-Lite Mega with the advice MadVR for HDR of the site but all the 4k movies i have on my hdd are very dark (no detail on darkness scenes).

I configure windows 10 with hdr support, my hdmi cable is 2.1 version and i have Nvidia Geforce 1050i.

Any idees for help me please?

What the best color spacee config on law video decoder for mkv uhd movies?



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Black crush on HDR UHD movies on Samsung 8K Q900 deep colors compatible Empty Re: Black crush on HDR UHD movies on Samsung 8K Q900 deep colors compatible

Post by Admin Sun Dec 09, 2018 10:28 pm

Color space in LAV is already correct by default. Don't make any changes! Your problem is not related to colorspace, but HDR tone mapping is not done correctly by the TV.

First thing to try: select "PC mode" on your TV. That may fix the problem.

Second thing to try: Madvr options > Devices > HDR > Select "tone map HDR using pixel shaders"
Then Madvr will do tone mapping instead of the TV. With the peak nits value you can adjust the brightness.


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