Need help. 3 Errors runing a video in MPC-HC

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Need help. 3 Errors runing a video in MPC-HC Empty Need help. 3 Errors runing a video in MPC-HC

Post by filipecastrosantos Tue Nov 20, 2018 8:05 pm


I'm trying to pass all my 8mm tapes from my childhood into a digital format.

I'm already able to save my videos, but i can't get them to play on any program. I already tried to solve this, but I'm reaching a dead end.
When i try to play them on MPC-HC, i allways get 3 error options:
Need help. 3 Errors runing a video in MPC-HC Img110
Need help. 3 Errors runing a video in MPC-HC Img210
Need help. 3 Errors runing a video in MPC-HC Img310

My videos are as mp4 and I saved them with vlc.

Glad if you could help.

Thank you


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Need help. 3 Errors runing a video in MPC-HC Empty Re: Need help. 3 Errors runing a video in MPC-HC

Post by Admin Tue Nov 20, 2018 10:34 pm

Could you make a short recording for me? A few seconds is enough. You can send like to file through a private message.

With a sample file I should be able to make it play in next version.


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