MPC now crops my video files

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MPC now crops my video files Empty MPC now crops my video files

Post by Moonwalker Sun Sep 02, 2018 5:30 am

Hello there,

I have been using MPC as my video player for years now and it's always worked fantastic.

However, it recently started to crop my video files, causing them to have black borders that literally "eat" part of the video frame.

Here is an example from the same file played by VLC and MPC.

MPC now crops my video files Vlcsnap_2018_09_01_21h03m26s295

MPC now crops my video files MPC

As you can see, MPC got rid of some of the frame vertically and horizontally.

At first, this only happened with files that were 720p, then with any kind of file, regardless of resolution and format.

This started after I updated K-Lite Codec Pack and MPC to their latest version today, so I first tried to see if something was changed in the parameters, but nope. And it is already configured correctly in Aspect Ratio and Pan/Scan. I then tried going back to a previous version of the Codec pack and player, but same thing happens.

Any idea?


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Join date : 2018-09-02

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MPC now crops my video files Empty Re: MPC now crops my video files

Post by Admin Sun Sep 02, 2018 5:33 pm

This isn't because of a change in the codec pack.

First try this:
Codec Tweak Tool > Settings > Reset

If that doesn't fix it, then it is most likely due to a setting in the graphics driver. I have seen that happen before with weird zoom or crop. Easiest way to reset those settings is to re-install the driver. The driver installer has an option to apply default settings.

VLC uses a different way of video rendering so certain driver settings do not affect it.


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MPC now crops my video files Empty Re: MPC now crops my video files

Post by Moonwalker Sun Sep 02, 2018 5:55 pm

Indeed had to check the graphics driver.

AMD Steady Video feature was on. And sure enough, when turned off, this was solved.

Thank you very much for pointing me in the right direction.


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MPC now crops my video files Empty Re: MPC now crops my video files

Post by Admin Sun Sep 02, 2018 6:32 pm

Thanks for letting us know which option caused it.


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