No madVR avaiable

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No madVR avaiable Empty No madVR avaiable

Post by bebb Sat Sep 01, 2018 8:13 pm

Running Win 7
Just loaded up K-Lite_Codec_Pack_1440_Mega and found that I have no selection for madVR.
It loaded as Enhanced Video Rendering  and when I look I find that it says "madVR **unaviable**"

I tried both the normal load and the advanced load but to no avail.  I have never had this problem before.  I have three other Win 7 computers and they are all running MPC with madVR.

Any suggestions or other info that I can supply you with?


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No madVR avaiable Empty Re: No madVR avaiable

Post by Admin Sat Sep 01, 2018 10:03 pm

Run the installer again and check that MadVR is enabled in the component list.

The installer checks the capabilities of your graphics card. For MadVR it needs to support PixelShader version 3. If there was a problem with the graphics driver, then it is possible that MadVR didn't get installed.


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Join date : 2011-06-17

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