Overlay Renderer Issues

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Overlay Renderer Issues Empty Overlay Renderer Issues

Post by thaguarrero Thu Aug 16, 2018 7:53 pm


My problem is: I've been watching HD mp4 movies on my netbook (Acer Aspire One D255E, Intel Atom N450, 1 GB RAM). They were running smoothly with MPC-HC using the Overlay Renderer (I needed to close any other application, but it was working nicely). And that was the only way I could watch HD movies with no lagging.

Suddenly, after a few minutes of the last movie I was watching, the image went black though you could still hear the audio track... Since then, no matter how short the clip is, even with the smallest of the resolutions, you still get audio only when using Overlay rendering...

I did a reset via Codec Tweak Tool. The problem wasn't solved.
I uninstalled the whole megapack and reinstalled it. The problem wasn't solved!



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Join date : 2018-08-16

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Overlay Renderer Issues Empty Re: Overlay Renderer Issues

Post by Admin Fri Aug 17, 2018 12:04 am

Did you do anything else when the problem first occurred? It is very weird that it happened during playback. Perhaps Windows Update has installed some updates, possibly even updated the graphics driver.

I assume you have already tried rebooting the computer. My only suggestion right now is to re-install the graphics driver.


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