Windows Movie Maker closes when timeline contains Video Transitions

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Windows Movie Maker closes when timeline contains Video Transitions Empty Windows Movie Maker closes when timeline contains Video Transitions

Post by wmm_jack22 Wed Jun 13, 2018 12:21 am

I open a Movie Maker project. I put .jpg pictures and .avi video on the timeline and add Video Transitions between the pictures and video clips, and then I play the timeline back, the movie maker window closes with no error message. If I remove the Video Transitions the timeline plays fine, with no problems.
I have just installed K-Lite_Codec_Pack_1384_Standard.exe, the previous version K-Lite_Codec_Pack_1375_Standard.exe had the same problem.

Windows XP Home Edition Version 2002 SP3. Windows Movie Maker Version 2.1.4028.0

I hope you can help.


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Windows Movie Maker closes when timeline contains Video Transitions Empty Re: Windows Movie Maker closes when timeline contains Video Transitions

Post by Admin Wed Jun 13, 2018 4:13 pm

If it only happens with transition effects, then it is most likely a bug in Movie Maker. So I may not be able to help much.

Movie Maker may crash if you have too may transition effects installed (in addition to the standard ones).

Also try a different transition effect. Perhaps the one you use is damaged somehow. Also test with just one picture and video, or just two videos. Movie Maker sometimes gives problems if there are too many files in the timeline. Might be due to running out of memory.


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Windows Movie Maker closes when timeline contains Video Transitions Empty Re: Windows Movie Maker closes when timeline contains Video Transitions

Post by Admin Wed Jun 13, 2018 4:15 pm

Also try unchecking everything in: Tools > Options > Compatibility


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Windows Movie Maker closes when timeline contains Video Transitions Empty Re: Windows Movie Maker closes when timeline contains Video Transitions

Post by wmm_jack22 Wed Jun 13, 2018 10:49 pm

Thank you very much for your help and quick response. I played a shorter video in windows movie maker (6 minutes), and it worked fine. The failing video was 14:17. It is probably a memory issue, all the video transitions worked fine in the short video.


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Windows Movie Maker closes when timeline contains Video Transitions Empty Re: Windows Movie Maker closes when timeline contains Video Transitions

Post by Admin Thu Jun 14, 2018 12:17 pm

14 minutes is not super long, so it may be the amount of transitions that causes the problem.

My advice would be to edit in segments, and later concatenate the results.


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Windows Movie Maker closes when timeline contains Video Transitions Empty Re: Windows Movie Maker closes when timeline contains Video Transitions

Post by wmm_jack22 Tue Jun 26, 2018 2:00 am

I found that even a short 2 minute video will cause wmm to close if it contains a .AVI video and a video transition. I uninstalled K-Lite_Codec_Pack_1384_Standard.exe, and installed Windows Media Codec pack. Now I have no problems with WMM closing when I play the timeline back. I believe there is a problem with the LAV video codec. I believe that K-Lite_Codec_Pack_1310_Standard.exe worked with no problems but I would have to re-install it to check it, to be sure.


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Windows Movie Maker closes when timeline contains Video Transitions Empty Re: Windows Movie Maker closes when timeline contains Video Transitions

Post by Admin Tue Jun 26, 2018 12:19 pm

LAV only does decoding. The transition stuff is all done by WMM itself. Perhaps it doesn't like specific resolutions or colorspaces. AVI can contain a lot of different types of video. You can see details with the MediaInfo tool from the codec pack.

Could you upload that WMM project and two video files for me? Then I can check if the crash happens here too. Maybe a workaround is possible.
You can upload files to for example


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