[FIX] Failed to create a scheduled task for update checking.

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[FIX] Failed to create a scheduled task for update checking. Empty [FIX] Failed to create a scheduled task for update checking.

Post by Xemidra Mon Jun 04, 2018 9:09 pm

I had an issue with installing and updating K-Lite Codec Pack. At the very end of installation process the installer hanged with error (no actual error, just a sound of error popping out). The installation log said it "Failed to create a scheduled task for update checking". It concerned all recent versions of K-Lite Codec Pack and it was related to Windows Task Scheduler. It turned out it wasn't an issue with K-Lite Codec Pack. I couldn't create any new task inside Windows Task Scheduler. I found a way to painlessly resolve the issue.

Logs from failed installation:

Link to TechNet article describing the method of solving the problem:

1. Open up an elevated CMD prompt
2. Type in the following and hit enter: "fsutil resource setautoreset true c:\"
3. Reboot
4. After your machine reboots, you should be able to create new Scheduled Tasks now

I have more then one local drive so I ran the command from point two for all drives (d:\, e:\, f:\ etc.).
The reboot from point three is not always required.

Last edited by Xemidra on Tue Jun 05, 2018 11:21 am; edited 1 time in total


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[FIX] Failed to create a scheduled task for update checking. Empty Re: [FIX] Failed to create a scheduled task for update checking.

Post by Admin Mon Jun 04, 2018 10:44 pm

Thanks for the information.

Next version will make that error message visible to the user. Should hopefully also prevent the hang.


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Join date : 2011-06-17


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