Mirror Cast fitur on audio and video playing

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Mirror Cast fitur on audio and video playing   Empty Mirror Cast fitur on audio and video playing

Post by iyan Thu May 10, 2018 3:17 am

Dear all team Codec,
i dream can playing audio and video on my PC/Laptop (win 10) with K-Light MPC-HC,
but on the same time, i want to :
1. the screen mirroring  on my smart tv  with support miracast,WIDI,DLNA,etc...
directly on my K-light MPC-HC player.
2. the audio send to my bluetooth speaker directly on my K-Light MPC-HC player.

soo perhaps please  that my dream will realezm on the nex time update codec.

thankyou very much for all team attention,
and soryy for my bad english..


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Join date : 2018-05-10

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Mirror Cast fitur on audio and video playing   Empty Re: Mirror Cast fitur on audio and video playing

Post by Admin Thu May 10, 2018 6:00 pm

MPC-HC will never get such functionality. There are specialized tools for this. For example Serviio and Plex.


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Join date : 2011-06-17


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