Can't get 5.1 from aac format in mpc-hc only stereo

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Can't get 5.1 from aac format in mpc-hc only stereo - Page 2 Empty Re: Can't get 5.1 from aac format in mpc-hc only stereo

Post by Admin Tue May 26, 2020 1:22 am

Here VLC covers on top apps in fullscreen just like MPC-HC.

Only way to get this changed is to program a 'fix' yourself and submit it as a patch for MPC. I still don't consider it a bug or something I am interested in working on.

There is however a workaround that you could use. Maximize the window and then press 1 to hide all controls and borders. It will then look similar to fullscreen. Press 3 to reset view.


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Can't get 5.1 from aac format in mpc-hc only stereo - Page 2 Empty Re: Can't get 5.1 from aac format in mpc-hc only stereo

Post by ArniVidar Wed May 27, 2020 12:54 am

Wait, are you the coder of MPC? And me submit a patch? I thought it was a dead project?
Alas, I'm no coder, and like I told you from the very beginning it's not that big of a deal. Smile

That's a pretty interesting workaround though. I might actually use that method when I specifically need the gadgets visible. Thanks!

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