MS codec tweaks changing 'on their own'

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MS codec tweaks changing 'on their own' Empty MS codec tweaks changing 'on their own'

Post by daveb Fri Mar 16, 2018 2:50 am

Hi there,

I currently use the mega codec pack for media playback within MediaShout church media presentation software.

Everything was working fine, however at some point last year MediaShout stopped playing mp4 files. It wouldn't even load them into the script. "File filename.mp4 cannot be loaded." Other file types were fine. After some searching on the MediaShout support forum I found the solution: disable Microsoft DTV-DVD decoder in MS codec tweaks (top 4 settings). Great!

But a few months later, the same problem strikes again, and those disable Microsoft DTV-DVD decoder ticks are un-ticked again. Ticking disable again solves the problem. Then a few months later, same again. Something is causing these settings to change. These are admin-only settings, and only three people have admin access to the media PC - one wouldn't even know the codec pack is there, and the other is as confused as I am. Windows updates have been disabled as much as possible.

Any thoughts on what might be causing this to happen?

K-Lite codec pack 11.3.0
Codec tweak tool 5.9.9
MediaShout 4.5
Windows 10 Pro
Intel i5 64-bit

Thank you,


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MS codec tweaks changing 'on their own' Empty Re: MS codec tweaks changing 'on their own'

Post by Admin Fri Mar 16, 2018 2:57 pm

Every big Windows 10 update performs a full re-install of Windows, which re-enables those decoders.

It possibly also periodically runs the System File Checker, which could re-enable them as well.


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MS codec tweaks changing 'on their own' Empty Re: MS codec tweaks changing 'on their own'

Post by daveb Mon Mar 19, 2018 11:03 pm

Thank you,

I'll do my best to manage those Windows services.



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Join date : 2018-03-15

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MS codec tweaks changing 'on their own' Empty Re: MS codec tweaks changing 'on their own'

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