Codec Tweak Tool issues and suggestions

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Codec Tweak Tool issues and suggestions Empty Codec Tweak Tool issues and suggestions

Post by K.o.R Sat Dec 30, 2017 7:20 pm

Hello all.

The Codec Tweak Tool is extremely useful and has helped me on several machines.

However there are a couple of issues I have:

Firstly, the options available through the GUI vary greatly depending on which version I use. Version 601, for example, has the Win7DSFilterTweaker options available, but 625 does not - the section is just gone - and it's not consistent, some of the intervening versions have the option and some don't, almost at random.

Also the option under MS Codec Tweaks for "Disable Media Foundation" is variously present and missing, although it doesn't appear to do anything, at least in my use case.

(for reference, 601-606, 609-611, 617, 619 and 622 have the Win7DSFilterTweaker buttons visible. Of those, 617, 619 and 622 do not have the "Disable Media Foundation" options under MS Codec Tweaks)

Second, under Configuration > DirectShow Filters, there are buttons to go to the configuration of (in my case) the LAV filters, but only the 32-bit version (I have both 32 and 64-bit installed). Could it be possible to have access to all versions of all installed filters? It's not a huge issue but it may confuse people who are expecting to change a setting in one version but are changing it in another without realising it.


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Codec Tweak Tool issues and suggestions Empty Re: Codec Tweak Tool issues and suggestions

Post by Admin Sat Dec 30, 2017 8:17 pm

You must download it from here:
If you get it from other sites, it may be a repacked version which is missing essential files.

Everything in the Win7DSFilterTweaker section requires Windows 7 or newer. It also requires that the CTT is run on an administrator account. If your system meets these requirements and it is still hidden, then I need more details about your system.

Disabling Media Foundation completely is only possible on Windows 7. On newer versions it doesn't have any benefits to do that, so it is not possible anymore.

LAV doesn't have separate settings for 32-bit and 64-bit.


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Codec Tweak Tool issues and suggestions Empty Re: Codec Tweak Tool issues and suggestions

Post by K.o.R Sat Dec 30, 2017 8:30 pm

Interesting. The version you linked does indeed have everything available. Clearly something is amiss with VideoHelp's mirror of it. All options should be available in all versions, correct?

I thought that might be the case with the Media Foundation option.

I might have an unusual setup as I have installed both 32-bit and 64-bit CCCP which have their own respective versions of LAV filter, which most definitely can be configured independently of each other (e.g. I tried turning off the tray icons on 64-bit, and then playing in 32-bit MPC, and the tray icons appear, but playing in 64-bit MPC-HC the tray icons are gone). Perhaps the stand-alone / K-Lite version of LAV Filters install in a different way so as to have one set of settings for both architectures. In any case, it's not a huge deal as I have relatively easy access to all the control panels.


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Codec Tweak Tool issues and suggestions Empty Re: Codec Tweak Tool issues and suggestions

Post by Admin Sat Dec 30, 2017 8:50 pm

VideoHelp does not provide the correct files. That is a repacked version taken from K-Lite, not the standalone version of the tool (which is just a single .exe file).

CCCP is very outdated and I don't provide support for such old version of LAV Filters.
I am not sure why you are still using CCCP, but if you want a small pack, then the Standard version of K-Lite offers similar contents.


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Codec Tweak Tool issues and suggestions Empty Re: Codec Tweak Tool issues and suggestions

Post by K.o.R Sat Dec 30, 2017 8:59 pm

Short answer, because it works. I have yet to meet a file it can't play.

I will make a note that this is the version of the tool to use; unfortunately other sites dominate the Google results.


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Codec Tweak Tool issues and suggestions Empty Re: Codec Tweak Tool issues and suggestions

Post by Admin Sat Dec 30, 2017 9:09 pm

MPC doesn't need any of the tweaks from the Win7DSFilterTweaker section. That is only needed for WMP and other 'simple' DirectShow players.


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Codec Tweak Tool issues and suggestions Empty Re: Codec Tweak Tool issues and suggestions

Post by K.o.R Sat Dec 30, 2017 9:11 pm

Indeed. I have need of WMP and WMC, as well as more advanced players, so these options are necessary for me. Thank you for your assistance.


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