K-Lite disabled windows 10 components leading to unstabilities

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K-Lite disabled windows 10 components leading to unstabilities Empty K-Lite disabled windows 10 components leading to unstabilities

Post by tim_ Mon Aug 28, 2017 10:04 am

I installed the latest version of the codec pack last week, during the installation process I was warned that K-lite would interfere with certain windows "drivers/processes/whatever it was called", and if I wanted to disable those to avoid interference. Naively I accepted the suggestions, however, I do not recall exactly what I disabled (yes, my bad!).
Ever since, I have been getting blue screen windows errors of a variety of sorts (for example: dpc_watchdog_violation, or driver_irql_not_less_or_equal). The problem seems to occur when I open several programs at the same time.

I am quite sure that the problem is not k-lite itself, it's whatever it turned off. Which compatibility checks does the installer perform during installation? Whatever they did I want to revert it.

I am running windows 10, have updated all drivers ran the windows troubleshooters, searched for a bunch of solutions online to no avail. I unfortunately do no not have a restore point, and would like to avoid reinstalling windows.


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K-Lite disabled windows 10 components leading to unstabilities Empty Re: K-Lite disabled windows 10 components leading to unstabilities

Post by Admin Mon Aug 28, 2017 1:46 pm

The installer does NOT disable anything from Windows. It certainly does not touch drivers.

The only message in the installer that looks a little bit like your description is the check for running processes. It checks (during an update) if there are any programs running that are using any of the codecs and show a list of such programs. It says that those programs are using files that need to be replaced and closing those programs can help avoid a restart. Common programs from Windows itself are already excluded from that list.

Closing a program can't cause the described problem. Did you perhaps actually delete files?

You can find a log file from the installation in your temporary files folder.

This little tool can show you more details about the BSoD errors from Windows:


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K-Lite disabled windows 10 components leading to unstabilities Empty Re: K-Lite disabled windows 10 components leading to unstabilities

Post by Admin Mon Aug 28, 2017 1:49 pm

Also check the Windows update history. Windows might have updated some drivers.


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K-Lite disabled windows 10 components leading to unstabilities Empty Re: K-Lite disabled windows 10 components leading to unstabilities

Post by tim_ Mon Aug 28, 2017 3:10 pm

Thanks a lot for the clarification and quick response, I will look for the problem elsewhere starting with your tips.


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