subtitles for vj2 video player

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subtitles for vj2 video player Empty subtitles for vj2 video player

Post by Sun May 28, 2017 2:31 am

I like your website and appreciate your offer of help.
I have installed several versions of K-Lite and cannot get subtitles on Windows 10 for my VJ2 player.
It did work under Windows 7 laptop.
Now, it works under the VLC Player. I note that you think that might be a good sign.

I have installed deejaysystem player 3.5.0. they suggested I use K-Lite-995-standard so I have that.
I installed the player as user admin read and write permissions for that user and for group Users, otherwise blocked for the world. The same for the K-Lite directory.

I have placed at the end of this note the deejaysystem log for a video for a song called "Video Games." It is an audio and video log. I think these 5 lines are key: I interpret this to mean that the ffdshow filter failed to load. I can't figure out what to do with D3DFMT_FOURCC_YV12 in making subtitles work.
VID_CStream: Searching codecs for stream #0
VID_CStream: VR: Testing codec [ffdshow Video Decoder]...
VID_CStream: VR: Testing codec [LAV Video Decoder]...
VID_CReader: VRSetupVideoFormat (640x360 16x9 D3DFMT_FOURCC_YV12)
VID_CReader: Created: 640x360 D3DFMT_FOURCC_YV12 dynamic offscreen pitch: 640

I am on a HP MyBook Intel Core I5-2520M 64-bit x64 based. I am looking at the device manager and see the display adapter is Intel HD Graphics 3000.

I went through the Tweak Tool and set the 32 bit source filters to LAV Splitter for MP4 and most others.

The LAV Video Decoder doesn't seem to have any subtitle settings.
Should I block Media Foundation?
Should I try to force ffdshow. I think I remember doing that 5 years ago to get subtitles to work.
What do you suggest?

Thank you,

CMkBuffer: --- [037EB0B4] Setting up config
CMkBuffer: Master: 1, center, no downmix (Speakers (High Definition Audio Device))
CMkBuffer: Monitor: -1, center, no downmix ((null))
CMkBuffer: FrameSize: 4096 BufferTime: 80 ms ThreadPriority: 15
CMkBuffer: --- [037EF054] Setting up config
CMkBuffer: Master: 1, center, no downmix (Speakers (High Definition Audio Device))
CMkBuffer: Monitor: -1, center, no downmix ((null))
CMkBuffer: FrameSize: 4096 BufferTime: 80 ms ThreadPriority: 15
VID3D_CManager: Viewport #2 from device #0 restored (60 Hz)
VID3D_CManager: Viewport #3 from device #0 restored (60 Hz)
CDjsDeckControl: --- [037EB00C] Opening file C:\mv\b.fsl12\Fslow.12 Lana Del Rey - Video Games.mp4
*** [0A193DB8] FileOpenThread entry point ***
CDeejaysystem: --- [037EB034] opening file [C:\mv\b.fsl12\Fslow.12 Lana Del Rey - Video Games.mp4]
CMkBuffer: --- [037EB0B4] Setting up config
CMkBuffer: Master: 1, center, no downmix (Speakers (High Definition Audio Device))
CMkBuffer: Monitor: -1, center, no downmix ((null))
CMkBuffer: FrameSize: 4096 BufferTime: 80 ms ThreadPriority: 15
CMkBuffer: --- [037EB0B4] Opening file [C:\mv\b.fsl12\Fslow.12 Lana Del Rey - Video Games.mp4]
CMkBuffer: --- [037EB0B4] Initializing audio
DS_CDualBuffer: --- [037EB0D0] Initializing master audio
DS_CAudio: 192000 Hz 24 bits 2 channels
DS_CAudio: Device: Speakers (High Definition Audio Device)
DS_CDualBuffer: --- [037EB0D0] Initializing monitor audio
CMkBuffer: --- [037EB0B4] Audio ready. Opening stream
MKDSP_CStream: --- [037EB340] Opening stream for [C:\mv\b.fsl12\Fslow.12 Lana Del Rey - Video Games.mp4]
CDecoderDsp: --- [037EBF6C] Opening stream
CDecoderDsp: FileName: C:\mv\b.fsl12\Fslow.12 Lana Del Rey - Video Games.mp4
CDecoderDsp: Reader: Bass Reader 1.0 (BASS 2.4)
CBassReader: --- [0380686C] Opening file [C:\mv\b.fsl12\Fslow.12 Lana Del Rey - Video Games.mp4]
Warning: CBassDecoder: BASS error: 41 (BassDecoder.cpp 761)
CDecoderDsp: Rejected. Trying default reader: Video Stream Reader 1.0
VID_CDjsFileReader: --- [03774FB0] Opening file [C:\mv\b.fsl12\Fslow.12 Lana Del Rey - Video Games.mp4]
VID_CReader: --- [03774FC0] Loading: C:\mv\b.fsl12\Fslow.12 Lana Del Rey - Video Games.mp4
VID_CStream: --- [03774FC8] Opening stream: C:\mv\b.fsl12\Fslow.12 Lana Del Rey - Video Games.mp4
VID_CStream: Create stream container (1407)
VID_CStream: Initializing video renderer (1439)
VID_CStream: Initializing audio renderer (1469)
VID_CStream: Load file as stream (1641)
VID_CStream: Loading file (419)
VID_CStream: Found 2 source streams
VID_CStream: Configure stream (450)
VID_CStream: Searching codecs for stream #0
VID_CStream: VR: Testing codec [ffdshow Video Decoder]...
VID_CStream: VR: Testing codec [LAV Video Decoder]...
VID_CReader: VRSetupVideoFormat (640x360 16x9 D3DFMT_FOURCC_YV12)
VID_CReader: Created: 640x360 D3DFMT_FOURCC_YV12 dynamic offscreen pitch: 640
VID_CStream: Searching codecs for stream #1
VID_CStream: VR: Testing codec [Microsoft DTV-DVD Audio Decoder]...
VID_CStream: VR: Testing codec [ffdshow Audio Decoder]...
VID_CStream: VR: Testing codec [LAV Audio Decoder]...
VID_CStream: Initialize Controls (1682)
VID_CStream: Initialize Filters (1683)
VID_CStream: Initialize Events (1684)
VID_CStream: Initialize Seeking (1685)
VID_CStream: Initialize interfaces (1686)
VID_CStream: Setup timming (1690)
VID_CStream: Retrieve stream info (1716)
VID_CStream: Content: HasVideo HasAudio
VID_CStream: Properties: 281400 ms 0 frames 30.12 fps
VID_CStream: Flags: CanSeek HasDuration
VID_CStream: Caps1: CanSeekAbsolute CanSeekForwards CanSeekBackwards
VID_CStream: Caps2: CanGetStopPos CanGetDuration
VID_CStream: --- [03774FC8] Stream load complete ---
VID_CReader: Allocating video buffer (640x360:12, 8 frames, 345600 bytes per frame)
VID_CReader: Allocating surfaces for offscreen mode (640x360)
VID_CReader: Using SSE-optimized instructions
VID_CReader: Allocating audio buffer (839 ms)
VID_CReader: Stream content: FILE HasVideo HasAudio Seekable
VID_CReader: Duration: 281.4000000
VID_CReader: Video: 640x360 16:9 30.12 fps (0.0332000/frame)
VID_CReader: Audio: 44100 Hz 16 bits 2 channels (format: 1)
VID_CReader: --- [03774FC0] Load complete ---
VID_CDjsFileReader: Extended information:
Filesize: 26791295 Bitrate: 762 kbps
Content: HasVideo HasAudio
Properties: 281400 ms 30.12 fps

640x360 30.12 fps ratio 16:9
Output FCC: YV12
44100 Hz 16 bits 2 channels (format: 1)
LAV Audio Decoder
LAV Video Decoder
VID_CDjsFileReader: --- [03774FB0] file opened ok
CDecoderDsp: ReaderBlockSize: 3536 BlocksPerFrame: 2 FrameSize: 7072 TotalStreamSize: 49638960
CDecoderDsp: --- [037EBF6C] Stream opened ok
MKDSP_CStream: Original stream:
MKDSP_CStream: size 49638960 framesize 7072
MKDSP_CStream: 44100 Hz 16 bits 2 channels
MKDSP_CStream: Output stream:
MKDSP_CStream: size 49638960 framesize 7072
MKDSP_CStream: 44100 Hz 16 bits 2 channels
MKDSP_CStream: --- [037EB340] Stream created ok
CMkBuffer: --- [037EB0B4] Stream ready. Initializing buffers
DS_CDualBuffer: --- [037EB0D0] Creating dual buffer
DS_CAudio: --- [037EB0E8] Creating DS_CSoundBuffer
DS_CAudio: 44100 Hz 16 bits 2 channels
DS_CAudio: Size: 21216 (120 ms)
DS_CAudio: Device: Speakers (High Definition Audio Device)
DS_CDualBuffer: --- [037EB208] Creating dual buffer
DS_CAudio: --- [037EB0E8] Creating DS_CSoundBuffer
DS_CAudio: 44100 Hz 16 bits 2 channels
DS_CAudio: Size: 35280 (200 ms)
DS_CAudio: Device: Speakers (High Definition Audio Device)
MKDSP_CStream: BufferTime: 120 ms BufferBytes: 21216 BufferFrames: 3
CMkBuffer: 44100 Hz 16 bits 2 channels
CMkBuffer: Stream size: 49638960 (281400 ms) Framesize 7072
CMkBuffer: Playback buffer size: 21216 (120 ms) Frames: 3
CMkBuffer: --- [037EB0B4] File opened. DjBuffer initialized and ready for action
*** [037EB0B4] FillThread entry point ***
CDeejaysystem: --- [037EB034] File opened ok
*** [0A193DB8] FileOpenThread exit point ***
CDeejaysystem: Cue point saved: [0, 0]
CDeejaysystem: Cue point saved: [1, 28140]
CDeejaysystem: Cue point saved: [2, 56280]
CDeejaysystem: Cue point saved: [3, 84420]
CDeejaysystem: Cue point saved: [4, 112560]
CDeejaysystem: Cue point saved: [5, 140700]
CDeejaysystem: Cue point saved: [6, 168840]
CDeejaysystem: Cue point saved: [7, 196980]
CDeejaysystem: Cue point saved: [8, 225120]
CDeejaysystem: Cue point saved: [9, 253260]
[20:07] Deck A: Loaded C:\mv\b.fsl12\Fslow.12 Lana Del Rey - Video Games.mp4
VID3D_CManager: Initializing texture #0 as dynamic

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subtitles for vj2 video player Empty Re: subtitles for vj2 video player

Post by Admin Sun May 28, 2017 1:37 pm

they suggested I use K-Lite-995-standard so I have that
Always ignore such advice. They probably wrote that help article a long time ago when that happened to be the latest version.
Use the latest version (13.2.0). I recommend the Full version in your situation.

I installed the player as user admin read and write permissions for that user and for group Users, otherwise blocked for the world. The same for the K-Lite directory.
Just run the installer and don't do anything else! Everything is automatic.

The LAV Video Decoder doesn't seem to have any subtitle settings.
Should I block Media Foundation?
Should I try to force ffdshow. I think I remember doing that 5 years ago to get subtitles to work.
DirectVobSub (vsfilter.dll) should get used for subtitles. LAV only does the decoding.
Your player uses DirectShow, so blocking Media Foundation does not have any effect on it.
If the player does not load DirectVobSub, then you could use ffdshow. Simply select it as decoder for H.264 in the installer.


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subtitles for vj2 video player Empty WOW, after reading your post, It Works.

Post by Mon May 29, 2017 3:25 pm

WOW after reading your post, it works. [after two years of playing with it.] I'm afraid to touch it any more.
This is how it looks in GraphView:
subtitles for vj2 video player Vpers-10
What I did was Install K-Lite 13.2.0 Full, then click on "Direct Show Filters" and "LAV Video decoder" and then on the tab "Formats" and declick mpeg4. There must be a gazllion options. I was working on the theory that there was a permissions issue and I put Administrators into the Users account, and windows 10 reinstalled itself, and several other attempts followed each time by a day of windows 10 reinstalling.


Two further questions.

I now have something I never saw before in the task bar which is a popop for the VSFilter. 
subtitles for vj2 video player Vpers-11
This indicates to me that I am now using the Apple Video Media Handler - Am I right? can that be configured?
I no longer see ffdshow tweaks anywhere on the klite codec tweak tool. Is that right? Should I have installed the Mega Pack t get them?

The reason why I'm interested is that the volume is lower now from my VJ player. However, it's crisp and clear and I can live with it although I probably would do something if I could to raise it.

Two years of thanks to you. I can see images on this post - I hope you can too.

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subtitles for vj2 video player Empty Re: subtitles for vj2 video player

Post by Admin Mon May 29, 2017 3:49 pm

It should also work with MPEG4 in LAV Video decoder. Didn't it for you?

No, you are not using anything from Apple. They are one of the inventors of the MP4 format, hence the reference. It is purely a name.

Full version also includes ffdshow, but it is not used unless you specifically select it. LAV decoders are the best ones to use.

You can increase volume this way:
Windows Control Panel > Sound > Speakers > Properties > Enhancements > Loudness Equalization


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subtitles for vj2 video player Empty Re: subtitles for vj2 video player

Post by Mon May 29, 2017 4:23 pm

MP4 as a format for the LAV Video Decoder did not produce subtitles for me. As I remember, DirectGraph showed the Lana del Ray video went directly to the LAV Video Decoder. I saw no subtitles. And no DirectVobSub in the graph, either.

I had to deselect mp4 as a format for the LAV Video Decoder to force it to go to the green box "Mpeg4s Decoder DMO." [Can you see the image I included using - your bboard only accepts links to their images, not images in reply posts.]
Here is that link:

Please walk me through the clicks to specifically to select ffdshow.
1. It's not an option for me on the LAV Video Decoder page.
2. Maybe this? I can choose Hardware Decoder "DXVA2(native)" which enables me to deselect H.264.
Then, should I enable mpeg4 under Formats?

Please walk me through the clicks to get to the ffdshow configurations.
It is not in the start menu as a child of K-Lite. Media Info says it is using mp42 (mp42/mp41)

Sorry to be a pain about this but I have clicked on everything and I can't get to it.
Maybe something has to be playing through it and then I would get an icon on the task bar?

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subtitles for vj2 video player Empty Re: subtitles for vj2 video player

Post by Admin Mon May 29, 2017 11:50 pm

Could you upload that video for me? Then I can try to reproduce. You can use a site like or similar to upload.

LAV and ffdshow are separate decoders. If you want to use ffdshow, simply run the installer again and select it for the desired formats.
If you only want it to amplify volume, then for this video it would be enough to use it for AAC audio only.
If you want to use it for video as well, then select it for MPEG4. After installation to need to manually enable MP42 in ffdshow video decoder settings (on Codecs page), because that is disabled by default if the Microsoft codec is available.


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subtitles for vj2 video player Empty Re: subtitles for vj2 video player

Post by Tue May 30, 2017 1:02 am

Thank you.

Hey, it works. THANK YOU SO MUCH for what you said. After reading your comments at 4am this morning, I knew where to look and found what to do.

After two years of trying to get my player to produce subtitles, now it does. 

I appreciate your last comments: they put my experience in perspective. I clicked on Hardware Acceleration and went to "DXVA2  (native)" which gives me a cleaner look on the video picture. It makes H.264 clickable but same result: I have to click Formats and declick mpeg4 to produce the subtitles.

I've taken enough of your time now. I hope your are enjoying a holiday weekend somewhere and if not this weekend, then soon. I'm sure I will have something more for you one of these days.

BTW, it isn't just that video. All my mp4 videos work the same way. I am noticing that the "VFW Codecs" is grey. I think it likely has something to do with the default installation of K-Lite Full on my HP Windows 10 Laptop.

Thank you again.

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subtitles for vj2 video player Empty Re: subtitles for vj2 video player

Post by Admin Tue May 30, 2017 3:26 pm

This kind of problems is fun to analyze. So don't worry about my time. Could you still upload that file for me? I have an idea that I want to test.

The Full version does not contain VFW codecs. You don't need them for playback. Those are for video encoding.

The hardware acceleration setting should have no effect on this video. The video contains MPEG4 ASP video (which is similar to Xvid and DivX) and not H.264.


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subtitles for vj2 video player Empty Re: subtitles for vj2 video player

Post by Tue May 30, 2017 5:12 pm

So, First, the subtitles work in VLC media player and in mpc-hc64. The problem I have is with VJ2, a video player that is downloadable from
Download a free demo at:
It produces a single video stream regardless of the file source - I suspect that's the problem here although it does produce subtitles I I declick the mpeg4 settings.

You might want to install K-Lite 13.2.0 Full on your laptop and see if you get ffdshow. I do not.

Here's what I uploaded : a mp4 file and a txt file with subtitles that only show if I go to K-Lite | Direct Show Filters | LAV video decoders | and click on the Format's tab and declick mp4.

That is to say:

Here's my hypothesis.

When LAV is the first connection [after the filename in GraphStudio] after the VJ2 player, LAV is sees and outputs a video stream and so the rendering is file agnostic: doesn't know the original file type.

When I declick .mp4 in LAV, that feeds the file through a different mp4 processor and so the next step knows the video type.

That's it.

BTW, I went through the entire directory with K-Lite 13.2.0 Full in it - and there is no ffdshow there.

I had an old version of K-Lite on another machine and when i click on VFW, all the ffdshow filters show up on the VFW page.

I'm thinking I should have installed the 13.2.0 Mega package. That probably has ffdshow. Someone recommended I use Full, which I had never used before, and apparently Full does not include ffdshow filters.

Thank you again for listening and for helping me.

I mentioned hardware acceleration because someone earlier suggested I should declick H.264 and that would get me to subtitles. However, it did not. And, anyway, to get to a clickable H.264 checkbox, I had to go to K-lite | Direct Show Filters | LAV Video Decoder which gave me a greyed out H.264 option. I was able to change the hardware acceleration to "DXVA2 (native)" and then I could declick H.264. Something to do with my Intel Graphics Chip.

On and on. With ffdshow, there must be a gazillion option combinations. Without that, there are probably only a zillion combinations. Or, as my mom told me it must have been a million times, never exaggerate.


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subtitles for vj2 video player Empty Re: subtitles for vj2 video player

Post by Admin Tue May 30, 2017 7:39 pm

VLC uses its own internal codecs and not DirectShow like VJ2.
MPC-HC uses DirectShow, but its filter selection behavior differs a bit from standard DirectShow behavior.
GraphStudioNext exhibits standard behavior, so this is good for testing and comparison purposes.

I have tested the files you uploaded and here subtitles work fine. Both LAV Video decoder and DirectVobSub are used by GraphStudioNext.
13.2.0 Full with default settings. Tested on both Windows 7 and 10.
I don't know why it behaves differently in your case. But using the decoder from Microsoft is fine too if that gives the desired results.

The checkboxes besides the hardware acceleration option are only enabled when hardware acceleration itself is enabled. They allow you to control for which formats acceleration should be used. The options on the Formats tab control for which formats LAV Video decoder will be used.

ffdshow consists of a video decoder, and audio decoder, and also a VFW codec. That is why you saw it in older version. But you don't need VFW and can ignore it.


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