MPC-HC is not being deleted when it should.

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MPC-HC is not being deleted when it should. Empty MPC-HC is not being deleted when it should.

Post by Xemidra Fri May 12, 2017 5:15 pm


I noticed that MPC-HC is not being deleted when requested in the scenario showed below:
1. Install K-Lite Codec Pack and select both x86 and x64 version of MPC-HC to be installed. You can also chose "Lots of stuff" that selects automatically both of them.
2. Install the pack again or upgrade it to a new release when available and deselect (for example) x86 version of MPC-HC or chose "Advanced playback and encoding" that will automatically choose x64 version for x64 OS.
3. The installer will inform you that it needs to delete some of the codecs but it will do NOTHING about the x86 version of MPC-HC that is already installed. Further more it will treat the x86 as "third-party installation" even though it came with K-Lite Codec Pack.

The expected behavior would be to delete the no longer wanted version of MPC-HC without changing the settings for the remaining version so that the "switch" could go without any troubles. I believe this should be corrected.


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MPC-HC is not being deleted when it should. Empty Re: MPC-HC is not being deleted when it should.

Post by Admin Fri May 12, 2017 9:18 pm

The message that you get when you uncheck something that is already installed says that those items won't get uninstalled. That applies to everything, including MPC-HC. If you want to remove something, then you need to uninstall. Allowing to uninstall things would make thing even more complex than they already are.

It being displayed as a third party install on the file associations page will be fixed.


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MPC-HC is not being deleted when it should. Empty Re: MPC-HC is not being deleted when it should.

Post by Xemidra Fri May 12, 2017 11:02 pm

I'm not sure if you're understanding me.
If I deselect some of the already installed codecs, the installer will uninstall them.
If I deselect MPC-HC that is already installed, the installer won't uninstall it.

Why is that?
I would expect the installer to remove MPC-HC the same way it removes the codecs.


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MPC-HC is not being deleted when it should. Empty Re: MPC-HC is not being deleted when it should.

Post by Admin Sat May 13, 2017 8:19 pm

No, the installer does not remove the things that you deselect. It does however adjust the configuration of the codecs to reflect the changes. But no files are removed.


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MPC-HC is not being deleted when it should. Empty Re: MPC-HC is not being deleted when it should.

Post by Xemidra Mon May 15, 2017 1:49 pm

So if I deselected some of my codecs they weren't actually deleted, just disabled?


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MPC-HC is not being deleted when it should. Empty Re: MPC-HC is not being deleted when it should.

Post by Admin Mon May 15, 2017 8:06 pm

There are not disabled either. Only their configuration is adjusted.

If you for example switch from ffdshow to LAV for video format X, then ffdshow will be configured to no longer decode format X.


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MPC-HC is not being deleted when it should. Empty Re: MPC-HC is not being deleted when it should.

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