Hi10 (10 bit video) playback problems on Windows Media Player

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Hi10 (10 bit video) playback problems on Windows Media Player Empty Hi10 (10 bit video) playback problems on Windows Media Player

Post by OrochiZER0EX Sat Apr 08, 2017 2:07 am

For some reason , it works on Windows Media Player Classic, but on my preferred Windows Media Player, it plays after a bit of a delay, but no picture.
Inexcusable as I'm on Windows 10 x Intel Core i7 Skylake CPU x 8 GB RAM. Using K-Lite Mega codec pack. Thanks.


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Hi10 (10 bit video) playback problems on Windows Media Player Empty Re: Hi10 (10 bit video) playback problems on Windows Media Player

Post by Admin Sat Apr 08, 2017 5:01 pm

Codec Tweak Tool > Media Foundation > disable for .mkv

Then WMP should use the codecs from the pack and playback will works the same as in MPC.


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