HEVC and HEV10 don't sectable with QuickSynk KabyLake (in LAV options).

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HEVC and HEV10 don't sectable with QuickSynk KabyLake (in LAV options). Empty HEVC and HEV10 don't sectable with QuickSynk KabyLake (in LAV options).

Post by Pkarer Fri Mar 31, 2017 9:08 am

I have a new PC with Intel Core I7-7700K and I already installed K-Lite 13.0.0.
The new version of Intel KabyLake QuickSink can decode HEVC (and HEVC10 Shocked ) by hardware.
Why don't I to set HEVC or HEVC10 in the LAV Videosetting options ?

HEVC and HEV10 don't sectable with QuickSynk KabyLake (in LAV options). Hhh10


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Join date : 2017-03-31

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HEVC and HEV10 don't sectable with QuickSynk KabyLake (in LAV options). Empty Re: HEVC and HEV10 don't sectable with QuickSynk KabyLake (in LAV options).

Post by Admin Fri Mar 31, 2017 2:28 pm

The QuickSync decoder in LAV does not support HEVC and it is no longer being updated. You should use DXVA2 Copy-Back. That supports HEVC and works perfectly with Intel GPUs.

QuickSync is NOT better because it's name includes Intel. It is just an Intel specific implementation of DXVA.


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