MPC: video splitted in two while playing

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MPC: video splitted in two while playing Empty MPC: video splitted in two while playing

Post by anbe Sun Mar 19, 2017 10:04 am

Hi all, I'm experiencing a problem with MPC playing video for which I need your help.
When I start MPC to play whichever video (divx, xvid, h264, x264) the video is divided in 2 parts as in the following image:

MPC: video splitted in two while playing Video-10

I don't know what to do to eliminate this problem. I haven't twicked any settings during the installation, so everything should be as standard.
I have installed VLC too.
With VLC the video playing is ok, while Windows Media Player shows the same behaviour of MPC.

My system configuration is the following:

Win7 pro SP1
K-lite codec Version 13.0.0 Mega
Mainboard Gigabyte F2A88XM-D3H
CPU AMD A8-7600

I know that I can use VLC but I would rather use MPC.


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Join date : 2017-03-19

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MPC: video splitted in two while playing Empty Re: MPC: video splitted in two while playing

Post by Admin Sun Mar 19, 2017 5:10 pm

Have a look that the AMD driver settings. There should be an option somewhere called "Demo mode". Disabling that should fix the problem. I also recommend to disable all enhancements in the driver. They mostly only have a negative effect on quality and performance.


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MPC: video splitted in two while playing Empty Re: MPC: video splitted in two while playing

Post by anbe Sun Mar 19, 2017 6:43 pm

Thank you Admin, problem solved; "Demo mode" was the culprit. Thank you very much.


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Join date : 2017-03-19

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MPC: video splitted in two while playing Empty Re: MPC: video splitted in two while playing

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