High DPI problems.

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High DPI problems. Empty High DPI problems.

Post by nemo Tue Dec 13, 2016 5:20 pm

So I recently got myself a 28" UHD monitor - yes, it is awesome. It's a perfect DPI for me, because at 200% DPI scaling allows programs with non-scalable icons to just double up in size (1 pixel becomes 4 etc).
With that being said, I am having trouble with MPC-HC. I am aware that I can easily get a new toolbar with bigger buttons, and the text and menus all scale just fine, after a few restarts for some reason.
However, I think it would make sense for the window itself to double in size, when DPI is set at 200%. If I open a 1080p video, I'd like it to fill my entire windows, since I'm at 200% DPI. This is the purpose of DPI% and will be even more so in the future, when everyone has 8K laptop screens.

I feel I'm rambling, hopefully you understand. Maybe this isn't something you guys can even add.

Thank you.


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Join date : 2016-12-13

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High DPI problems. Empty Re: High DPI problems.

Post by Admin Tue Dec 13, 2016 7:34 pm

The installer should already automatically use larger buttons for MPC-HC. Assuming it detects your screens DPI scaling correctly. It is weird that MPC-HC only scaled after a few restarts.

If you want double size (in Windowed mode):
MPC-HC options > Playback > Auto-zoom = 200%

If you want to fill the entire screen, then press F11. That will resize automatically to exactly your screen resolution (DPI is irrelevant).


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