[Suggestion] add SoundSwitch v2 or similar

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[Suggestion] add SoundSwitch v2 or similar Empty [Suggestion] add SoundSwitch v2 or similar

Post by nvidio Mon Nov 07, 2016 5:24 am

The "silent stream" bug is still affecting me on my Intel HDMI while using latest drivers (not K-Lite Codec Pack's fault...). I used to have AVR Audio Guard for this, but recently came across another, possibly better solution that was posted by a user named 0kk0 (I don't know the guy) in this old forum thread:
I also noticed it came out 100% clean in every antivirus. The silent stream bug is a highly annoying (and surprisingly very silly) one IMO, and has been that for many years so I was wondering maybe this SoundSwitch v2 could be another worthwile addition to K-Lite Codec Pack. Smile


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[Suggestion] add SoundSwitch v2 or similar Empty Re: [Suggestion] add SoundSwitch v2 or similar

Post by Admin Mon Nov 07, 2016 4:52 pm

Such tools do not belong in a codec pack.

Here is a newer version:
I don't know if it has the same modification.


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[Suggestion] add SoundSwitch v2 or similar Empty Re: [Suggestion] add SoundSwitch v2 or similar

Post by nvidio Wed Nov 09, 2016 2:06 am

Thank you for your reply. The "silent stream" bug is actually a design flaw in Microsoft Windows. It causes the initial 1 - 2 seconds of audio playback via HDMI on many consumer AVRs and processor/preamps to be lost, and this happens not just with MPC-HC or LAV Audio or WASAPI Exclusive Mode or audio bitstreaming over HDMI, but also with DirectSound. So it actually even affects Windows system sounds. The core of the problem is that Windows should not merely cut off the HDMI audio stream after playback stopped. Instead, Windows should continue to send the stream, containing nothing but silence. This is what the modified tool does; it is a workaround, simple yet (AFAIK) thoroughly effective. The newer version you linked does not have this modification.

The reason I am asking to consider adding a similar workaround to K-Lite Codec Pack is twofold. Firstly, the issue has been well documented on multiple HTPC/hardware related forums over the past more than a few years already (including the Intel Support Community forum), sadly to no avail. Secondly, almost a full decade ago when XviD .avi thumbnail previews were causing my Windows Explorer to keep crashing, installing K-Lite Codec Pack fixed that problem for me so why not just let it fix this one too? Smile


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[Suggestion] add SoundSwitch v2 or similar Empty Re: [Suggestion] add SoundSwitch v2 or similar

Post by Admin Wed Nov 09, 2016 5:19 pm

Sorry, but it simply does not belong in a codec pack.


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[Suggestion] add SoundSwitch v2 or similar Empty Re: [Suggestion] add SoundSwitch v2 or similar

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