URL Stream error: "Failed to render the file"

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URL Stream error: "Failed to render the file" Empty URL Stream error: "Failed to render the file"

Post by toddk63 Thu Mar 10, 2016 2:37 pm

This just started happening a few days ago.  When trying to play the following stream "" (KTRU Rice Radio),  I get the error "Failed to render the file" in MPC.  This is an AAC stream.  Many of my AAC streams are reporting this error on this computer.  All of my MP3 streams are working normally.  I have tried this stream in other players (WMP, VLC) and get similar errors, so it is not isolated to MPC.  This is on a Win 7 computer.  I have another Win 7 computer at work and the stream works fine there.  VLC Player forum was indicating a firewall issue.  Disabled Kaspersky and Windows Firewall with no joy.  I also re-installed K-Lite Full pack with no joy.  When I get home , I will try to generate a log file and post it.  Until then, any ideas?


Todd K.


Posts : 2
Join date : 2016-03-10

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URL Stream error: "Failed to render the file" Empty Re: URL Stream error: "Failed to render the file"

Post by Admin Thu Mar 10, 2016 5:57 pm

That streams plays fine here in MPC-HC and VLC. Both with default settings.

For WMP you need:
Codec Tweak Tool > preferred splitters > HTTP > LAV Splitter

Are you able to open that url in your browser? I get a webpage with the shoutcast server status.

A log does not contain anything useful for this case.


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URL Stream error: "Failed to render the file" Empty Re: URL Stream error: "Failed to render the file"

Post by toddk63 Mon Mar 14, 2016 12:34 pm

I should close this out as I found the problem.

I disabled Kaspersky IS (again). This time, all my streams worked. I re-installed Kaspersky (that reset all the options to default) and all was well.

Todd K.


Posts : 2
Join date : 2016-03-10

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URL Stream error: "Failed to render the file" Empty Re: URL Stream error: "Failed to render the file"

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