mpc-hc64.exe uses only two cores

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mpc-hc64.exe uses only two cores Empty mpc-hc64.exe uses only two cores

Post by avabaska Mon Mar 07, 2016 10:58 pm


Win7 x64, i7 (6 cores, HT disabled), K-Lite 11.7.0 (and older).

mpc-hc64.exe uses only two cores Mpc_two_cores

When I set use all cores it will use them, but upon next start - same thing, only these two cores. Not good No



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mpc-hc64.exe uses only two cores Empty Re: mpc-hc64.exe uses only two cores

Post by Admin Tue Mar 08, 2016 3:30 am

Do you have any software installed that changes processor affinity?

This is not normal, and MPC-HC does not change these settings by itself.


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mpc-hc64.exe uses only two cores Empty Re: mpc-hc64.exe uses only two cores

Post by TOCNOCMaster Tue Mar 08, 2016 10:18 pm

Could be SMP (symmetric multi-processing) or it could be what's referred to as "parallel finish" in parallel coding...meaning the work load doesn't demand more than the cores in use.

I don't agree with SMP AT ALL, as it was an 'inefficient' (and proven) to sell more lesser processors per socket available. SMP is just bad design.

My guess is it doesn't demand more than 2 cores to complete it's work, and the affinity code reserves the other processors until a # threshold is met..again a programming reference.

I've never found an encoded movie that took more than 2 processing cores to play. The exception was playing/new encoding conversion at the same time...where it used between 4-25 cores (think Sochi/SOC) or GPGPU contribution.

BTW, what's the GPGPU contribution (core work, load completion) to your analysis?


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mpc-hc64.exe uses only two cores Empty Re: mpc-hc64.exe uses only two cores

Post by Admin Tue Mar 08, 2016 10:36 pm

The affinity settings control how many cores an application sees as available. It is completely unrelated to how many of the available cores it uses. That depends on the design of the software.

The codec pack provides options for hardware accelerated decoding using your GPU.


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mpc-hc64.exe uses only two cores Empty Re: mpc-hc64.exe uses only two cores

Post by avabaska Wed Mar 09, 2016 11:31 pm

Sorry, it was like my fault. I guess I just switched the affinity via Windows Task Manager (I don't have any other software like this) before and the only way to "reset" it for MPC - Windows restart. Now I remembered.

As about CPU load (two cores and all cores, it's 3930K @ 4,6 GHz):

mpc-hc64.exe uses only two cores Mpc_2_cores

mpc-hc64.exe uses only two cores Mpc_all_cores

All I did was seeking (Alt+arrows) in MPC within within one video file.


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