[Suggestion] replace MPC-HC with MPC-BE

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[Suggestion] replace MPC-HC with MPC-BE Empty [Suggestion] replace MPC-HC with MPC-BE

Post by j0p3s Fri Feb 12, 2016 12:17 am

Hi. This will be my first suggestion and post in this forum.

Firstly i'd like to thank you to the developers of k lite codec pack for making the pack and making me enjoy all my movies since it ever came out Very Happy

Anyway back to business, i've seen MPC-BE, and it's based on MPC and MPC-home cinema and contains loads of bug fixes from both version.

I'd like to suggestion adding it, even if it is in a beta package to test it out.

It's open source and respects GNU:  https://sourceforge.net/projects/mpcbe/

Thanks and hoping to hear from you guys Very Happy

Keep up

PS: I'm not afiliated in any way with said app


Posts : 2
Join date : 2016-02-12

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[Suggestion] replace MPC-HC with MPC-BE Empty Re: [Suggestion] replace MPC-HC with MPC-BE

Post by Admin Fri Feb 12, 2016 2:25 pm

There are currently no plans for including MPC-BE. Maybe in the far future if it diverges more from MPC-HC feature-wise.


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[Suggestion] replace MPC-HC with MPC-BE Empty Re: [Suggestion] replace MPC-HC with MPC-BE

Post by j0p3s Sat Feb 13, 2016 12:24 am

Admin wrote:There are currently no plans for including MPC-BE. Maybe in the far future if it diverges more from MPC-HC feature-wise.
Tried it and very honestly just wanted a more professional look into it. So far didn't saw any features that justify the change Smile



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Join date : 2016-02-12

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[Suggestion] replace MPC-HC with MPC-BE Empty Re: [Suggestion] replace MPC-HC with MPC-BE

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