Please make this easier to update.....

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Please make this easier to update..... Empty Please make this easier to update.....

Post by ASharpEdge Tue Feb 09, 2016 1:49 pm

Hello, first let me thank all who are involved in providing these codecs to us.

Updating K-Lite codecs is a pain in the arse. There are two main things that could make updating MUCH EASIER. There are four different variants of the K-Lite Codec Pack so when the notification to tell you there is an update pops up it should tell you which variant you currently are using (Basic, Standard, Full, Mega).

The second thing would just be a simpler process all together. A one click install would be great but then you would not get ad revenue from your website.....Just make the updates install using the previous settings would make things much easier for most everyone in my opinion.

Another thing is when I update many times there is an update installer or a normal installer....Why make it so difficult? I have used thousands of programs in my life and this one is the only one that is difficult to update.


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Please make this easier to update..... Empty Re: Please make this easier to update.....

Post by Admin Tue Feb 09, 2016 2:31 pm

Adding information about the currently installed variant is a good idea. I suppose not everyone remembers which one they are using.

The reason why the update pack exists is to have much more frequent updates. The majority of users only use the normal installers.


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Please make this easier to update..... Empty Re: Please make this easier to update.....

Post by Gabriel Ribeiro Fri Sep 21, 2018 1:04 am

ASharpEdge wrote:Hello, first let me thank all who are involved in providing these codecs to us.

Updating K-Lite codecs is a pain in the arse. There are two main things that could make updating MUCH EASIER. There are four different variants of the K-Lite Codec Pack so when the notification to tell you there is an update pops up it should tell you which variant you currently are using (Basic, Standard, Full, Mega).

The second thing would just be a simpler process all together. A one click install would be great but then you would not get ad revenue from your website.....Just make the updates install using the previous settings would make things much easier for most everyone in my opinion.

Another thing is when I update many times there is an update installer or a normal installer....Why make it so difficult? I have used thousands of programs in my life and this one is the only one that is difficult to update.

I'd suggest you to check Ninite's installer/updater. It works nice and neat. Wink
Gabriel Ribeiro
Gabriel Ribeiro

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