[Help] Good config Madvr but not good cpu Almost tried everything

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[Help] Good config Madvr but not good cpu Almost tried everything Empty [Help] Good config Madvr but not good cpu Almost tried everything

Post by Royk Sun Jan 31, 2016 2:13 pm

You are about to read some bad English. and I am really sorry about it. I am not a native English speaker.

So guys I am looking for good config for madvr
my specs are core i5 4670k
graphic card GTX 970
Ram corsair DDR-3 12 gb

so as you can see my specs are at mid-level
I have tried 2 to 4 configs but can't get any good results if I see on quality I put pressure on my cpu. madvr will consume 20 to 40% of my cpu. that’s the only thing I don't want...  
what i am looking for is low resource consumption with good quality ...means 5% to 10% performance consumption and give good quality results ....

and there is one video player that does this is kmplayer it is giving me some really good results and really low level resource consumption ........
but the problem with kmplayer is it is full of ads .it just too much annoying I am looking for alternatives so plz guys help me thanxxx
My current config


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Join date : 2016-01-31

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[Help] Good config Madvr but not good cpu Almost tried everything Empty Re: [Help] Good config Madvr but not good cpu Almost tried everything

Post by Admin Mon Feb 01, 2016 9:05 am

I replied in you other topic.


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