Unable to play files in VLC while I am able to play in MPC-HC

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Unable to play files in VLC while I am able to play in MPC-HC Empty Unable to play files in VLC while I am able to play in MPC-HC

Post by naturalkid.px Sat Jan 23, 2016 6:21 am

Dear All,

I am new to this forum as well as a beginner in using codec pack to accomplish desired task. I have few video files which I am able to play in Media Player Classic (MPC-HC) but not able to play in VLC or any other player. Those are corrupted files which has erroneous header/footer or doesn't have footer or any other information in the file. My ultimate goal is to convert those files either using VLC or any other video converter software so that I can use it any player or any editing software.

Details about the system.
File type .MP4 .RSV .MXF
OS: Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit
K-lite Version: K-Lite codec pack 11.80 Mega
Filters Loaded in PMC-HC while playing the files
 - Enhanced Video Renderer
 - LAV Video Decoder
 - LAV Splitter Source

Please help me to over come of this issue.



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Join date : 2016-01-23

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Unable to play files in VLC while I am able to play in MPC-HC Empty Re: Unable to play files in VLC while I am able to play in MPC-HC

Post by Admin Sat Jan 23, 2016 5:20 pm

Since it works with LAV Filters, then you could try to convert with FFmpeg.

Here is a Windows version:

It is a command line tool. You can google the parameters needed for converting.


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Unable to play files in VLC while I am able to play in MPC-HC Empty Re: Unable to play files in VLC while I am able to play in MPC-HC

Post by naturalkid.px Mon Jan 25, 2016 10:53 am

I tried converting using ffmpeg but it is giving me error "Invalid data found when processing input" do I have to do anything to force it to use LAV Filters which are being used in MPC-HC?

Thanks in advance.


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Unable to play files in VLC while I am able to play in MPC-HC Empty Re: Unable to play files in VLC while I am able to play in MPC-HC

Post by Admin Mon Jan 25, 2016 1:39 pm

FFmpeg does not use any external codecs. It contains everything its needs by itself. I suggested FFmpeg because LAV Filters uses the FFmpeg libraries for decoding.

You could try Haali Muxer. That is included in the codec pack. It can re-mux the file into a .mkv file.

Or Handbrake


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Unable to play files in VLC while I am able to play in MPC-HC Empty Re: Unable to play files in VLC while I am able to play in MPC-HC

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