a lot of code icons pop up in the system tray.

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a lot of code icons pop up in the system tray. Empty a lot of code icons pop up in the system tray.

Post by kamfai Thu Jan 21, 2016 4:39 am

i am using windows 7 ultimate 64 bit
when i copy/move music files to my samsung galaxy note 4,
a lot of code icons pop up in the system tray.
is this normal?



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a lot of code icons pop up in the system tray. Empty Re: a lot of code icons pop up in the system tray.

Post by Admin Thu Jan 21, 2016 2:14 pm

It is kind of normal, but I think we may be able to improve the situation.

1) Are you using Windows Explorer to copy the file, or a tool from Samsung?
2) Which kind of music files? FLAC, MP3, AAC?
3) Are you only seeing the white icons from LAV Splitter, or also blue icons from the audio decoder?

Could you test what happens if you add the application to the LAV Splitter blacklist? You can do that with this Registry key:


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a lot of code icons pop up in the system tray. Empty Re: a lot of code icons pop up in the system tray.

Post by kamfai Fri Jan 29, 2016 7:58 am

1. window explorer
2. flac, problem found when copy and paste, no problem when cut and paste.
(no problem for both copy, cut and paste with m4a files)
3. both blue and white icons

Could you test what happens if you add the application to the LAV Splitter blacklist? You can do that with this Registry key:

i don't know how to do it, but i found a lot of entries/value already there.


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a lot of code icons pop up in the system tray. Empty Re: a lot of code icons pop up in the system tray.

Post by Admin Fri Jan 29, 2016 1:13 pm

Simply create a new DWORD value with name "explorer.exe" and value 1 similar to the existing entries.

It is interesting that it only happens with copy/paste. The icons popping up means Explorer tries to play/convert the files.


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a lot of code icons pop up in the system tray. Empty Re: a lot of code icons pop up in the system tray.

Post by Admin Fri Jan 29, 2016 1:19 pm

Before you add the blacklist value, could you first try removing the following registry key and test if that makes any difference.

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Media Type\Extensions\.flac

You can safely remove the key. It was created by the codec pack. It sets LAV Splitter as the preferred splitter for FLAC files.


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a lot of code icons pop up in the system tray. Empty Re: a lot of code icons pop up in the system tray.

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