Where are MPC favorites list stored?

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Where are MPC favorites list stored? Empty Where are MPC favorites list stored?

Post by Morisato Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:31 am

You know how you can add a show to your favorites in MPC but where can you find its saved location if say you want to reformat windows? Does uninstalling K-Lite also remove favorites without ticking store settings in .ini and/or reset all settings to their defaults?


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Where are MPC favorites list stored? Empty Re: Where are MPC favorites list stored?

Post by Admin Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:05 pm

It is stored in the Registry. You can easily export/import that information.

Yes, uninstalling removes everything.


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Where are MPC favorites list stored? Empty Re: Where are MPC favorites list stored?

Post by Morisato Thu Dec 03, 2015 4:06 am

Hmm... thanks. What's the point of reset all settings to default on install if uninstalling removes everything to begin with? By default there is no shortcut for codec tweak tool nor do I use it unless I have to (which apparently is where you can backup your settings). May I suggest that you have the option upon uninstall of codec to offer backup of settings/favorites as a yes or no option before continuing the full uninstall?

I'm guessing this is for those that want to reset their settings for those that already have the codec installed but I think that option fits more with the codec tweak tool (most would just do a quick upgrade) and normally in most cases apps do ask if you want backup your settings/favs on uninstall or leave them there after a uninstall has happened. Upon reinstalling, that reset all settings option would make sense to be there.


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Where are MPC favorites list stored? Empty Re: Where are MPC favorites list stored?

Post by Admin Thu Dec 03, 2015 3:16 pm

The system might not be clean when installing. There can be leftovers from some other codec installation. That is why settings can be fully reset.

There may be a backup prompt in the future.


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Where are MPC favorites list stored? Empty Re: Where are MPC favorites list stored?

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