Why i can't run MKV video file with my MPC? while window media player can.

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Why i can't run MKV video file with my MPC? while window media player can. Empty Why i can't run MKV video file with my MPC? while window media player can.

Post by JX016 Sat Nov 14, 2015 6:33 am

Why i can't run MKV video file with my MPC? while window media player can.

how can i make MPC to run MKV file again? just few days ago everything is ok, than suddenly today it become like this.

I had download the latest update of MKV file, but nothing changes.

except i get this error message this time:

File Source (Async.)::Output

Media Type 0:

majortype: MEDIATYPE_Stream {E436EB83-524F-11CE-9F53-0020AF0BA770}
subtype: Unknown GUID Name {1AC0BEBD-4D2B-45AD-BCEB-F2C41C5E3788}
formattype: TIME_FORMAT_NONE {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
bFixedSizeSamples: 1
bTemporalCompression: 0
lSampleSize: 1
cbFormat: 0

Please help Dx


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Why i can't run MKV video file with my MPC? while window media player can. Empty Re: Why i can't run MKV video file with my MPC? while window media player can.

Post by Admin Sun Nov 15, 2015 2:21 pm

Re-install the codec pack. That will probably fix it.


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Why i can't run MKV video file with my MPC? while window media player can. Empty Re: Why i can't run MKV video file with my MPC? while window media player can.

Post by JX016 Thu Nov 19, 2015 3:22 pm

Dear Admin,

it didn't help, i had done this countless times. could anyone offer guidance for this?

really need help. I really like MPC that work wtih K-Lite Codec.


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Why i can't run MKV video file with my MPC? while window media player can. Empty Re: Why i can't run MKV video file with my MPC? while window media player can.

Post by Admin Thu Nov 19, 2015 4:30 pm

Do you use a program called Media Center Master?

You can fix the file by remuxing it with MkvToolnix. See this topic for more information:


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Why i can't run MKV video file with my MPC? while window media player can. Empty Re: Why i can't run MKV video file with my MPC? while window media player can.

Post by JX016 Fri Nov 20, 2015 9:54 am

Dear Admin,

I do not think i had an "Media Center Master" which i am sure i never install such things. unless is a hidden system file or file that need digging patients.

but i'll look into the guide you given me.

I'll further provide updates of my findings. thank you very much for your help Smile


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Why i can't run MKV video file with my MPC? while window media player can. Empty Re: Why i can't run MKV video file with my MPC? while window media player can.

Post by Admin Fri Nov 20, 2015 3:04 pm

Is any of those files small enough for you to upload somewhere for me? Then maybe I can find a fix that doesn't require remuxing the file.


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Why i can't run MKV video file with my MPC? while window media player can. Empty Re: Why i can't run MKV video file with my MPC? while window media player can.

Post by JX016 Sat Nov 21, 2015 1:55 am

Dear admin,

do you meant video file? or something else?


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Why i can't run MKV video file with my MPC? while window media player can. Empty Re: Why i can't run MKV video file with my MPC? while window media player can.

Post by Admin Sun Nov 22, 2015 1:55 pm

Yes, I mean the mkv file.


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Why i can't run MKV video file with my MPC? while window media player can. Empty Re: Why i can't run MKV video file with my MPC? while window media player can.

Post by JX016 Sat Dec 05, 2015 6:01 am


you can download the file from here. Although so, I could not use Media player classic to watch all of my MKV file.

and sorry for the late reply, cause recently i was in project. sorry for the trouble.


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Why i can't run MKV video file with my MPC? while window media player can. Empty Re: Why i can't run MKV video file with my MPC? while window media player can.

Post by Admin Sat Dec 05, 2015 5:25 pm



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Why i can't run MKV video file with my MPC? while window media player can. Empty Re: Why i can't run MKV video file with my MPC? while window media player can.

Post by JX016 Thu Dec 10, 2015 1:48 pm


is the password.

sorry for the late reply. thanks for the help


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Why i can't run MKV video file with my MPC? while window media player can. Empty Re: Why i can't run MKV video file with my MPC? while window media player can.

Post by Admin Thu Dec 10, 2015 3:05 pm

The file plays fine here. The error indicates that the splitter is not correctly installed on your computer.

Please re-install the codec pack again. Then verify that:
Codec Tweak Tool > Preferred Splitters > MKV > LAV is selected

If problem continues then:
Codec Tweak Tool > Generate Log


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Why i can't run MKV video file with my MPC? while window media player can. Empty Re: Why i can't run MKV video file with my MPC? while window media player can.

Post by JX016 Fri Dec 11, 2015 2:22 am

I understand. Thank you for your guidance.

I'll try it and let you know. Although i reinstall it few times already, something software may have change the mkv settings.


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Why i can't run MKV video file with my MPC? while window media player can. Empty Re: Why i can't run MKV video file with my MPC? while window media player can.

Post by Admin Fri Dec 11, 2015 6:56 pm

What else are you installing?


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Why i can't run MKV video file with my MPC? while window media player can. Empty Re: Why i can't run MKV video file with my MPC? while window media player can.

Post by JX016 Tue Dec 29, 2015 2:10 pm

sorry for the late. had a lot going on lately -_-

I didn't have any problem until my brother play world of tanks with a mod on my PC Y50. Then it become like this, there is nothing installed, so am not sure how should i even solve this -_-
there is a mod for WoT that have anime voice theme with anime interface design.

before that, everything is fine.

i had reinstalled the MPC and codec. i download the latest, so i am not sure why it didn't work again -_-


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Why i can't run MKV video file with my MPC? while window media player can. Empty Re: Why i can't run MKV video file with my MPC? while window media player can.

Post by JX016 Wed Jan 06, 2016 1:20 pm



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Why i can't run MKV video file with my MPC? while window media player can. Empty Re: Why i can't run MKV video file with my MPC? while window media player can.

Post by Admin Wed Jan 06, 2016 5:38 pm

Can you copy this information here:
Codec Tweak Tool > Generate Log
(uncheck the option to hide items from the codec pack)


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Why i can't run MKV video file with my MPC? while window media player can. Empty Re: Why i can't run MKV video file with my MPC? while window media player can.

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