MPC-HC doesn't play MPTS properly in Win 10

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MPC-HC doesn't play MPTS properly in Win 10 Empty MPC-HC doesn't play MPTS properly in Win 10

Post by vramor Fri Nov 13, 2015 9:25 pm

MPC-HC (KLCP 11.5.0-11.6.6 with Haali splitter for .TS were checked) can play the first program of MPTS .TS file only in Windows 10 Pro x64, both 10240 and 10586. An attempt to choose the other service from the list (Right-click->Filters->Haali Media Splitter->Service#) ends up a black window and "Stopped". There is no problem with the same .TS file and the same KLCP set under Windows 7.


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MPC-HC doesn't play MPTS properly in Win 10 Empty Re: MPC-HC doesn't play MPTS properly in Win 10

Post by Admin Fri Nov 13, 2015 9:31 pm

Try with hardware acceleration disabled. Also try different video renderer.


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MPC-HC doesn't play MPTS properly in Win 10 Empty Re: MPC-HC doesn't play MPTS properly in Win 10

Post by vramor Sat Nov 14, 2015 2:15 am

Admin wrote:Try with hardware acceleration disabled. Also try different video renderer.
I've tried. The hardware acceleration setting doesn't affect. The madVR lets to choose any service of MPTS only. All other video renderers don't let this.


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MPC-HC doesn't play MPTS properly in Win 10 Empty Re: MPC-HC doesn't play MPTS properly in Win 10

Post by Admin Sun Nov 15, 2015 2:22 pm

Can you upload a sample file for me?


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MPC-HC doesn't play MPTS properly in Win 10 Empty Re: MPC-HC doesn't play MPTS properly in Win 10

Post by vramor Sun Nov 15, 2015 3:50 pm

Admin wrote:Can you upload a sample file for me?
Here you are! Please try it with Windows 10 x64 first. It seems to me that Windows 10 x86 doesn't produce this issue.


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MPC-HC doesn't play MPTS properly in Win 10 Empty Re: MPC-HC doesn't play MPTS properly in Win 10

Post by Admin Mon Nov 16, 2015 12:55 am

It works here. Which graphics card and driver version do you have?


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MPC-HC doesn't play MPTS properly in Win 10 Empty Re: MPC-HC doesn't play MPTS properly in Win 10

Post by vramor Mon Nov 16, 2015 6:24 am

NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT, driver version, 17-Aug-15.
OS Version 10.0.10586.3 (64-bit), DirectX 12.0, OpenGL 10.0.10586.0 (th2_release.151029-1700).
P.S. I've reinstalled KLCP. First I've uninstalled 11.6.6 version, then installed 11.6.5 Full with both versions of MPC-HC (32 and 64 bit, 32 bit as default), and after this updated to 11.6.6. Everything works now with all the types of renderers and MPC-HC! I'd like to notice that only MPC-HC 64-bit was installed earlier. Maybe this was the reason?


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MPC-HC doesn't play MPTS properly in Win 10 Empty Re: MPC-HC doesn't play MPTS properly in Win 10

Post by Admin Mon Nov 16, 2015 12:49 pm

No, that should not make a difference. I tested with just MPC-HC 64-bit installed.

If it ever happens again, make a backup of the settings with the Codec Tweak Tool. Maybe I can reproduce it then.


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MPC-HC doesn't play MPTS properly in Win 10 Empty Re: MPC-HC doesn't play MPTS properly in Win 10

Post by Admin Mon Nov 16, 2015 2:53 pm

11.6.9 is available.


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MPC-HC doesn't play MPTS properly in Win 10 Empty Re: MPC-HC doesn't play MPTS properly in Win 10

Post by vramor Mon Nov 16, 2015 5:18 pm

Thank you! I suppose that the possible reason of this weird behaviour of renderers might be the way of installing Windows 10 v1511. The new build was installed via legacy update. After that I made Disk Cleanup to get rid of the old Windows 10240. I will try the clean install later, hope that the problem isn't in KLCP. Wink


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