Memory usage with VFW H264

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Memory usage with VFW H264 Empty Memory usage with VFW H264

Post by chentalfb Sun Nov 08, 2015 11:10 am


I decode multiple H264 streams from a single Win32 application, running on Win XP 32 SP3.
I use the VFW interface.

When I use the old version 7.20, the memory consumption was small (~20MB per 704x576 stream), but with later versions (including 1.6.5), the memory usage per decoder is much bigger (~60MB per 704x576 stream).

What is the reason for this high memory usage, and is there way to reduce it?

Please advise,


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Join date : 2015-11-08

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Memory usage with VFW H264 Empty Re: Memory usage with VFW H264

Post by Admin Sun Nov 08, 2015 1:30 pm

You could try disabling H.264 in ffdshow VFW interface and enabling decoding in x264VFW.


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Memory usage with VFW H264 Empty Re: Memory usage with VFW H264

Post by chentalfb Mon Nov 09, 2015 10:29 am

What are the differences between H264 decoder of ffdshow and x264?
Are they similar in performance?


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Memory usage with VFW H264 Empty Re: Memory usage with VFW H264

Post by Admin Mon Nov 09, 2015 1:43 pm

I have never done any performance comparisons.


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Memory usage with VFW H264 Empty Re: Memory usage with VFW H264

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