No video in Cineform avi files in Windows 10 (LAV Splitter)

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No video in Cineform avi files in Windows 10 (LAV Splitter) Empty No video in Cineform avi files in Windows 10 (LAV Splitter)

Post by Onedrew Sun Nov 01, 2015 10:58 am

So I've recently upgraded to Windows 10 and haven't been able to open any of my GoPro Cineform files that worked perfectly in Windows 7. To be exact: I get the audio but not the video. Here's a screenshot of the error I get when trying to start the video in mphc (in Russian, though):
No video in Cineform avi files in Windows 10 (LAV Splitter) Yzaa10
Basically, what it says is "No filter for the following streams". I have the latest LAV splitter ( from the latest K-Lite Mega update.
GoPro Studio opens the videos fine though. But it's no use, cause I need the files in Adobe Premiere.
No idea what to do here Sad

Update: Standard Windows Madia Players opens these files fine.
Update2: Installed ancient K-Lite pack. Now everything work in every player. But Adobe Premiere (CC 8.0) still won't import Cineform files.


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No video in Cineform avi files in Windows 10 (LAV Splitter) Empty Re: No video in Cineform avi files in Windows 10 (LAV Splitter)

Post by Admin Sun Nov 01, 2015 3:34 pm

You probably only have the 32-bit version of the Cineform codec (cfhd.dll) installed. The default WMP is 32-bit, so that is why it worked. Your Adobe Premiere probably is 64-bit.

The codec pack uses the 64-bit MPC-HC by default. If you do an advanced install, then you can also install the 32-bit version.


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No video in Cineform avi files in Windows 10 (LAV Splitter) Empty Re: No video in Cineform avi files in Windows 10 (LAV Splitter)

Post by Onedrew Sun Nov 01, 2015 3:56 pm

Admin wrote:You probably only have the 32-bit version of the Cineform codec (cfhd.dll) installed. The default WMP is 32-bit, so that is why it worked. Your Adobe Premiere probably is 64-bit.

The codec pack uses the 64-bit MPC-HC by default. If you do an advanced install, then you can also install the 32-bit version.

Interesting, thanks!
However, I already fixed it myself by installing an old version of GoPro Studio. It has to install the necessary codecs for Adobe but looks like the new version doesn't, for some reason. So the problem's gone now


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No video in Cineform avi files in Windows 10 (LAV Splitter) Empty Re: No video in Cineform avi files in Windows 10 (LAV Splitter)

Post by Admin Sun Nov 01, 2015 4:54 pm

You can get the latest version of the Cineform codec at


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No video in Cineform avi files in Windows 10 (LAV Splitter) Empty Re: No video in Cineform avi files in Windows 10 (LAV Splitter)

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