Error during installation - "Internal error: Cannot access 64-bit registry keys on this version of Windows."

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Error during installation - "Internal error: Cannot access 64-bit registry keys on this version of Windows." Empty Error during installation - "Internal error: Cannot access 64-bit registry keys on this version of Windows."

Post by Rakkakimba Fri Oct 30, 2015 11:51 pm

When I tried to install new version of "K-Lite Mega Codec Pack" - "K-Lite Codec Pack 11.5.9 Mega" I get this error message: "Internal error: Cannot access 64-bit registry keys on this version of Windows." and setup rolling back changes and installation can't finish, so I can't use my favourite codecs anymore Sad

I tried the newest beta "K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 11.6.1" but the same error occur as above.
This never has happened to me before with previous versions of "K-Lite Mega Codec Pack".

Maybe there is a minor mistake on part while compiling the setup wizard?

Version of Windows: ----------------------------------- Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise x86 (Build 10240) fully updated till 31.10.2015
Versions of "K-Lite Mega Codec Pack" affected ------ "11.5.9", "11.6.1"
I already tried these solutions: ----------------------- "Run As Administrator", "Run this program in compatibility mode for Windows 8", "Clean the registry with CCleaner", "Restart the PC", "Clean install"(previous version was uninstalled").

Error during installation - "Internal error: Cannot access 64-bit registry keys on this version of Windows." 110

When click "OK"
Error during installation - "Internal error: Cannot access 64-bit registry keys on this version of Windows." 210

Posts : 3
Join date : 2015-10-30

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Error during installation - "Internal error: Cannot access 64-bit registry keys on this version of Windows." Empty Re: Error during installation - "Internal error: Cannot access 64-bit registry keys on this version of Windows."

Post by Admin Sat Oct 31, 2015 12:27 am

Will be fixed. Thanks for reporting. Until then use the latest stable version 11.5.5.


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Error during installation - "Internal error: Cannot access 64-bit registry keys on this version of Windows." Empty Re: Error during installation - "Internal error: Cannot access 64-bit registry keys on this version of Windows."

Post by Rakkakimba Sat Oct 31, 2015 12:33 am

Thank you for fast response, best wishes to the team and long life K-Lite Mega Codec Pack! cheers

EDIT: The problem is gone with version "11.6.2", good job!

Posts : 3
Join date : 2015-10-30

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Error during installation - "Internal error: Cannot access 64-bit registry keys on this version of Windows." Empty Re: Error during installation - "Internal error: Cannot access 64-bit registry keys on this version of Windows."

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