How can I stop surround sounds going loud in stereo

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How can I stop surround sounds going loud in stereo Empty How can I stop surround sounds going loud in stereo

Post by 1bit Thu Oct 01, 2015 7:09 am


I live in a shared house and when i have movies playing at low volume (but high enough to hear the voiices) the surround sounds in action scenes become loud and i have to rush to turn it down..then back up..does this on VLC and MPC-HC (LAV for video and audio) - I prefer to use MPC-HC as I think picture decoding quality is slightly better (I can see slight trails on movements on VLC) - I would also like to have sharpen and de-noise (VLC has a good de-noise filter) but MPC-HC doesnt

can anyone tell me how to stop the volume issue and possibly get some sharpen/denoise options?



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How can I stop surround sounds going loud in stereo Empty Re: How can I stop surround sounds going loud in stereo

Post by Admin Thu Oct 01, 2015 1:12 pm

MPC-HC options > Internal Audio Switcher > enable Volume Normalization
This will compress the dynamic range, meaning the difference in volume between soft and load sounds will become smaller.

MPC-HC options > Playback > Output > Resizer > select Bicubic (the A value controls the sharpness)

MPC-HC options > Playback > Shader
Here is you find a denoise and sharpen shader. A shader should be seen as a kind of processing filter.


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How can I stop surround sounds going loud in stereo Empty Re: How can I stop surround sounds going loud in stereo

Post by 1bit Thu Oct 01, 2015 8:38 pm

ahh brilliant , thanks very much


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