Optional Bundled Software

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Optional Bundled Software Empty Optional Bundled Software

Post by sqrly Mon Aug 10, 2015 1:20 am

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Optional Bundled Software Empty Optional Bundled Software

Post by Admin Mon Aug 10, 2015 12:44 pm

Bundled software

During installation of the codec pack you may be shown an optional offer for a third party software product.

As noted above, these offers are completely optional, and can easily be declined. The offer page has two buttons, one to accept the offer and one to decline the offer. The offered software is only downloaded and installed if you accept the offer!

The installer only shows offers when doing a fresh install. It does not offer anything when updating.

How to recognize an offer

It is easy to recognize the offer. The title of that specific page in the installation wizard is "Additional Software Offers" and it is the only page that has Accept and Decline buttons.

Why are offers included?

This allows the developers to invest a lot of their time to make improvements, provide frequent updates, and provide help to those who have problems. This is the reason why K-Lite is the most advanced, flexible, reliable, and most used codec pack. Hosting servers for downloads also cost money.

How to automatically skip or decline the offer

You can prevent the offer from being installed by simply clicking on the Decline button when the offer is shown. But there are also several ways to do it automatically:

1) Do a silent installation using /verysilent command line parameter. This will install with default settings.
2) Install using ninite.com (which does a silent install)
3) Create an unattended installation using /makeunattended command line parameter. This allows silent install with customized settings.
4) Import this Registry script:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

5) Install Unchecky. That is a little tool that automatically declines unwanted offers in many software products.

Last edited by Admin on Fri Jul 14, 2017 3:43 pm; edited 1 time in total


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