[Windows 10-solved] Make Window Media Player play .mkv file

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[Windows 10-solved] Make Window Media Player play .mkv file Empty [Windows 10-solved] Make Window Media Player play .mkv file

Post by theendoffear Sat Aug 08, 2015 10:27 am

I've had this problem since upgrade to win 10, WMP can't play any .mkv file correctly. Most files with only sound, others don't display subtitle... Problem is MS forced WMP using their internal codec rather than let it used external codec like awesome K-Lite like before, they bragged about supported h.264/AVC and now end up like this (supported my ar*e).

But after messing around a bit (remove WMP, tried reinstall old versions, remove those useless Movies&TV and Music app) I found the solution right inside the Codec Tweak Tool (It's in: C:\Program Files (x86)\K-Lite Codec Pack\Tools). I just need to open MS Codec Tweaks and tick both: Disable Microsoft DTV-DVE Video Decoder and the *(x64) version of it (picture below). Now everything went fine, I can make the WMP using LAV again Very Happy.

[Windows 10-solved] Make Window Media Player play .mkv file LIvDrQsqRJ-alOAhMKwyC-uOALlapKAVm91FFGIUhg=w1060-h426-no

@K-Lite team: Thank you for your hard work, I'm a loyal user K-Lite Codec Pack since 2008 Very Happy.  And could I suggest you leave an option to turn off those 2 decoder in the next installment of K-Lite for people using Windows 10 like me?


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[Windows 10-solved] Make Window Media Player play .mkv file Empty Re: [Windows 10-solved] Make Window Media Player play .mkv file

Post by Admin Sat Aug 08, 2015 12:22 pm

An even better solution (with less side effects) is:
Codec Tweak Tool > Media Foundation > disable for .mkv

Disabling the decoders can for example break HTML5 video playback in your browser.

Yes, is possible that an upcoming version will provide some options directly in the installer. But since these options can break apps that only work with the crappy MS codecs, it needs to be handled with care and some warnings.


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[Windows 10-solved] Make Window Media Player play .mkv file Empty Re: [Windows 10-solved] Make Window Media Player play .mkv file

Post by theendoffear Sun Aug 09, 2015 3:20 am

You're right, stop these 2 decoders made Movies&TV app stop to functioning. Not that I need this app, but that mean I could get more problems on the long run. I used your solution and no problem since then. Thank you for your support. Very Happy


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