create from VHS-TO-Digital
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create from VHS-TO-Digital
Hi.I need to create a digital frome magnetic tapes VHS video is preset\AVI Microsoft+LogarisVideo+PCM audio\ after installation, it works 1 time then the second test is a white screen.How to achieve a process with the same preset for video recording?+even running the filter aspect of the frame-snap frame borders.Thank you.I would be grateful for a hint.
vladiken- Posts : 3
Join date : 2015-08-06
Re: create from VHS-TO-Digital
Try a different video format. If it still happens that your capturing software is at fault.
Re: create from VHS-TO-Digital
Thanks for the tip,I 3 times removed these codecs and 3 times was established as an expert-with the same settings and after installing 3 times this error,and what I want is Microsoft-AVI with the same compression ffdshow video encoder, because the fit and weight of the file and the bitrate\Behold TV A8\\thanks for the reply.Another format but also using audio compression, 256 kbps
vladiken- Posts : 3
Join date : 2015-08-06
Re: create from VHS-TO-Digital
A big thank you to all come out with new settings with ffdshow after your reply I received-Full set-video and the main Audio stream in my capture device,will be interesting if-download or see the link 1 minute video for children-cartoon
A big thank you to all come out with new settings with ffdshow after your reply I received-Full set-video and the main Audio stream in my capture device,will be interesting if-download or see the link 1 minute video for children-cartoon
vladiken- Posts : 3
Join date : 2015-08-06
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