Show current settings in Codec Tweak Tool's "Audio output" dialog

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Show current settings in Codec Tweak Tool's "Audio output" dialog Empty Show current settings in Codec Tweak Tool's "Audio output" dialog

Post by Nerva Tue Aug 04, 2015 10:36 pm

One thing that could be improved is the "Audio output" dialog in the Codec Tweak Tool -- when I open it, the currently selected options for both "Audio decoder output" and "Audio pass-through" are both "keep existing settings", but it doesn't identify what those existing settings actually are.   I think it would be simpler to just remove the "keep existing settings" options and instead have the existing settings reflected in what is already selected -- this is, after all, the way it is currently handled in the "Preferred splitters" and "Preferred decoders" dialogs.


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Show current settings in Codec Tweak Tool's "Audio output" dialog Empty Re: Show current settings in Codec Tweak Tool's "Audio output" dialog

Post by Admin Wed Aug 05, 2015 12:36 pm

The "current" setting is not something that is clearly defined. The CTT controls multiple audio filters, which may have inconsistent settings. Plus the filters may have settings that are more elaborate than the basic settings offered by the CTT. Having a value selected by default could result in overwriting any custom settings.

Maybe afuture version will show a "hint" behind the "keep current settings" box about the current value, if it is a consistent value.


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