Strange audio delay after installing latest versions of klite

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Strange audio delay  after installing latest versions of klite Empty Strange audio delay after installing latest versions of klite

Post by ratedx75 Sat Apr 04, 2015 8:27 pm

Hello, i have a strange problem with the latest versions of klite codec.....i noticed this problem after installing the latest version K-Lite_Codec_Pack_1105_Mega and previous few versions.

Suppose if i add audio delay of 1000ms to a video file using mkvmerge it shows as 945ms in mediainfo and when i split the file further using timecodes using mkvmerge or anyother software it adds 66 to 150 ms audio delay to one of the two files that is generated by splitting.....

i downloaded november version of klite codec and faced the same problem... so i decided to try very old version of klite codec which is K-Lite_Codec_Pack_960_Full and also tried using an older version of mkvtoolnix which is mkvtoolnix-unicode-3.3.0 ..and the problem was gone so i tried the latest version of mkvtoolnix and had no problems with it there a bug in klitecodec pack??? Something is not right....


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Strange audio delay  after installing latest versions of klite Empty Re: Strange audio delay after installing latest versions of klite

Post by Admin Sun Apr 05, 2015 5:00 pm

mkvtoolnix is a standalone program. It does not use any external codecs, so the pack does not have any effect on it.

You can get the latest version of mkvtoolnix here:


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Strange audio delay  after installing latest versions of klite Empty Re: Strange audio delay after installing latest versions of klite

Post by Admin Sun Apr 05, 2015 5:05 pm

The extra delay might be because the cuts were not made on keyframes.


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Strange audio delay  after installing latest versions of klite Empty Re: Strange audio delay after installing latest versions of klite

Post by ratedx75 Sun Apr 05, 2015 6:30 pm

But when i cut the same file with the older version of klitecodec installed i get only 1ms delay...i tried cutting the same file with other mkv cutting softwares and the problem still persists with the newer klitecodec installed.


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Strange audio delay  after installing latest versions of klite Empty Re: Strange audio delay after installing latest versions of klite

Post by ratedx75 Sun Apr 05, 2015 6:51 pm

Original video file with 1105 mega installed

file 1 after splitting

file 2 after splitting

Same Original video file with klite 960 installed

file 1 after splitting with klite 960 installed

file 2 after splitting with klite 960 installed you can see there is not much delay compared to 1105 installed.


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Strange audio delay  after installing latest versions of klite Empty Re: Strange audio delay after installing latest versions of klite

Post by Admin Mon Apr 06, 2015 2:39 pm

Is that original file downloadable somewhere? Then I can test it myself.


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Strange audio delay  after installing latest versions of klite Empty Re: Strange audio delay after installing latest versions of klite

Post by ratedx75 Mon Apr 06, 2015 4:16 pm

That file is 1.5 long....but all the files are giving me the same problem when i split them...could it be something is messed up in system32 folder or registry?


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Strange audio delay  after installing latest versions of klite Empty Re: Strange audio delay after installing latest versions of klite

Post by Admin Mon Apr 06, 2015 11:09 pm

No, nothing is messed up. In fact, I think the older version was wrong and the new version is giving the correct values.

I looked at the changelog of MediaInfo and the older version had a bug where it calculated an incorrect audio delay for files that start with b-frames. The second file after cutting most likely doesn't start with a keyframe, but one (or more) b-frames. That are frames where the video data depends on previous video frame(s) which don't exist anymore after cutting. Such video frames can't be decoded properly and will be discarded during playback (or maybe already during remuxing). Extra audio delay is used to compensate for that.


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Strange audio delay  after installing latest versions of klite Empty Re: Strange audio delay after installing latest versions of klite

Post by ratedx75 Tue Apr 07, 2015 11:14 am

I am actually trying to sync english dubbed audio to good quality video, so i have to add delay everytime and than cut that audio and join it together with rest of the audio files.i have been doing it for quite sometime now until i faced this problem...i created a video of what exactly i am doing with these video files...As you can see the problem is only with mkv files...avi and mp4 dont have this problem.

Dont know why adfly is showing up when i paste the link


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Strange audio delay  after installing latest versions of klite Empty Re: Strange audio delay after installing latest versions of klite

Post by Admin Tue Apr 07, 2015 3:09 pm

Just to make things clear, mkvmerge does not use the codecs, so it would behave exactly the same if you would remove the codec pack.

If I remux a .mkv file that has a delay of 28ms and give it a 2000ms delay in mkvmerge, then the resulting file has a delay of 2028ms. So the value given is an additional delay. The .avi and .mp4 files that you used as input probably don't have an initial delay, so in that case the result will be exactly 2000ms.

When cutting the delay of the first cut matches that of your input file, so that is also correct. Are you expecting the second cut to also have a 2000ms delay? I think mkvmerge shifts the audio when cutting. The small delay that it adds is due to the cut not being on a keyframe.

If you believe there is a problem, then you will need to ask the developer of mkvmerge for help. There is not really anything I can do to help, since this is not related to the codecs.


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Strange audio delay  after installing latest versions of klite Empty Re: Strange audio delay after installing latest versions of klite

Post by Admin Tue Apr 07, 2015 3:30 pm

Actually it turns out that mkvmerge always cuts at keyframes:


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