The K-Lite style of MPC toolbar is not applied to win 7 taskbar.

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The K-Lite style of MPC toolbar is not applied to win 7 taskbar. Empty The K-Lite style of MPC toolbar is not applied to win 7 taskbar.

Post by endahosor Wed Apr 01, 2015 1:06 am

Hello, recently I installed a old version of K-Lite Codec Pack and I noticed that in old version, the K-Lite style toobar.bmp is applied to taskbar but the lastest version is not.

Here is how the taskbar looks like in old version:

The K-Lite style of MPC toolbar is not applied to win 7 taskbar. Old13

Here is how the taskbar looks like in new version:

The K-Lite style of MPC toolbar is not applied to win 7 taskbar. New13

I use 64-bit Win7 and the in the Taskbar Properties -> Taskbar appearance, uncheck "use small icons" and select "Always combine, hide labels" from the Taskbar buttons drop-down.


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The K-Lite style of MPC toolbar is not applied to win 7 taskbar. Empty Re: The K-Lite style of MPC toolbar is not applied to win 7 taskbar.

Post by Admin Wed Apr 01, 2015 3:02 pm

I can confirm the bug. They have recently made some changes to make it work with right-to-left languages. They probably forgot to make it work with external toolbar.

Please submit it to the official bug tracker here:


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The K-Lite style of MPC toolbar is not applied to win 7 taskbar. Empty Re: The K-Lite style of MPC toolbar is not applied to win 7 taskbar.

Post by endahosor Wed Apr 01, 2015 4:11 pm

Thanks for reply, submit a ticket #5344:


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The K-Lite style of MPC toolbar is not applied to win 7 taskbar. Empty Re: The K-Lite style of MPC toolbar is not applied to win 7 taskbar.

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