video quality

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video quality Empty video quality

Post by spac0r Fri Mar 27, 2015 8:18 pm

Hello there
I am using the klite codec pack for a long time now and it was always the best so far for qualilty playback.
So i upgraded my ati graphic drivers to the latest (Seems like the picture quality decreases more and more with the Graphic driver updates from ATI. I have the Radeon HD 6x00 series. Also got a new LCD Monitor connected to HDMI.
When I playback a 1080p .mkv videofile the picture quality is quite blurry. I tried many variations
with the decoding method and the video renderer but still the same.
The funny thing is when i use the vlc player playing the 1080p .mkv file or others the picture is sharp and not blurry.
Maybe it has something to do with the ati drivers? But the vlc player plays the files like it should be....
Any suggestions?



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video quality Empty Re: video quality

Post by Admin Sun Mar 29, 2015 5:42 pm

It is due to the driver settings. ATI enabled certain options by default that are supposed to improve quality, but in reality they only cause worse quality.

Could you perhaps make some screenshots of the options in your ATI control panel? Then I can tell you exactly what you need to disable. The options have names similar/equal to "Noise reduction", "Adaptive contrast", "Dynamic Contrast", "Edge Enhancement", and "Skin Tone Enhancement".

These options only apply to the standard video renderers of Windows. VLC uses its own custom renderer, so that is why it isn't affected by the problem.

Simply re-installing the pack may also do the trick because it tries to detect the bad ATI settings and automatically corrects them. Although, I don't know if the detection works with all ATI cards.


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