Looping through folders

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Looping through folders Empty Looping through folders

Post by torval Mon Feb 16, 2015 2:52 am

i just formatted my pc and re-installed every single program. it used to be with mpc i could click on any file in a folder, play it, it would play the next file in the folder when that file concluded. ok fine, mine does that. here is the difference. it USED TO play the last file in the folder then just go right back around and play the first. now it just stops.

for instance.

old installation/configuration.
no playlist no nothing. i have a folder with 5 movies. i double click number 3 to play it. it plays 3, then plays 4, then plays 5, then plays number 1. it continues this forever.

new installation/configuration.
no playlist no nothing. i have a folder with 5 movies. i double click number 3 to play it. it plays 3, then plays 4, then plays 5, then it stops.

no changing of any settings i can come up with will change this. can i replicate this in the newer version or not? i am learning about making a playlist but before it was just bang, np, and it went. there are a lot of things i like about the player but that was my favorite.

edit: it looks like my current version is (i tried to reinstall an older version to see if that would change the way the play next file in folder or loop function etc might work)


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Join date : 2015-02-16

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Looping through folders Empty Re: Looping through folders

Post by Admin Mon Feb 16, 2015 5:11 pm

Looping only works for files in a playlist in MPC.

If you want folder looping behavior when playing a single file, you should submit a feature request on the official MCP-HC bug tracker:


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