Change LPCM 5.1 (96kHz, 24-bit) Output

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Change LPCM 5.1 (96kHz, 24-bit) Output Empty Change LPCM 5.1 (96kHz, 24-bit) Output

Post by grastar Sun Feb 01, 2015 5:15 pm

I am trying to fix an issue with LPCM 5.1 (96kHz, 24-bit) audio output.
Is there a way to force ffshow audio to output DTS to my receiver? I see all the 5.1 levels in the volume tab but only the front speakers are getting any signal.
Trying to play bluray m2ts format files with the classic player.
I been trying on my own for month on and off and have not had any luck. Crying or Very sad


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Join date : 2015-02-01

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Change LPCM 5.1 (96kHz, 24-bit) Output Empty Re: Change LPCM 5.1 (96kHz, 24-bit) Output

Post by Admin Sun Feb 01, 2015 5:34 pm

You can output DTS by enabling audio pass-through (a.k.a bitstreaming).

Codec Tweak Tool > Audio Output > Audio pass-through


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Join date : 2011-06-17

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